friday 4th of june was a very very hot day. a perfect day to visit oakwood and ride some awsome coasters and some extreamly wet rides too and to have fun on extreamly dangerous rides, politically incorrect rides and just plain lame ones too.
im shure your more intrested in photos than me yabbering on so im going to do the trip report as we go.

coulden't really miss the entrance could you

the line just befor the gate opens, its all of about 40 people and the park was quiet all day, fantastic

there are red trees

trees with pink flowers

pretty rocks

and gouldy's thinking im wierd taking pictures of plants instead of coasters, its a random day today

i see speed testing, but single train operation made the line longer than 20 mins even with 40 people in the que.......

yes hello hydro, but since your not open till 2PM we will see you later

welsh postmen dont clean there vans.

first ride of the day, megafobia and yes its awsome

look an indoor vertical slide, skip that i think, NEXT

this is the reason the bobsleigh is awsome, its dangerous and i have seen people hurt themselves

POV 1, like my boots?

POV 2, in the mid turn befor you really start to pick up speed

unfortunetly linny found the break and gouldy caught her up pretty quick

this extreamly EVIL device is called waterfall and i both love and hate it, it does produce alot of adrenaline and the slide is one hell of alot steeper than you think, but

as i came down the slide at an extreamly fast pace i remembered

no theres water at the bottom of this drop, ahhhhhhhhhhhh i scared

even the birds were hot and was trying to find shade

this is the treetops and gouldy knows that were about to risk our lives' yes truly on some of the turns if you lean out of the cat to the side more than a few inchs you will be smashed in the face with a tree, and not a branch either.

speed looked so pretty today in its orange and green colours and was running well except for the poor dispatch by the staff and this was a problem on all rides with all the staff..... more on that in a little bit

anyride that does this to people is fantastic IMO

hello totally forceless huss tower, its a shot and then a drop tower. the shot isnt very powerful so on the drop i got a penny and held it out in front of me on my hand and it didnt even leave the palm of my hand for a split second. one simple word.... LAME

i love this drop because you get the pleasure of having lots of airtime then the pain of your spine being crushed at the bottom, pure awsomeness

fast turns and sharp drops makes this ride the top woodie that i been on so far, the layout is just pure genious and the park really does look after it too....... plus even though it was single train operation the staff on this were brillient and the longest we qued at any time was 15 mins and that was once, the rest of the time it was pretty much walk on

the wood isnt stained, painted or washed so its a very earthy natural coaster and its perfect

hello mr OKish tasting chicken burger

we all turned around to find out what a banging noise was and when we turned back gouldy had eaten it all

except for this chip

oakwood invested in an airport

noooooo that would just be plane crazy a fun flying ride that was again on a very poor dispatch routine, and we waitied for it now who feels dumb?

PHOTOSHOP CONTEST!!!! what should the sign on the wall behind linny say? get the best one in the next 2 weeks and ill send you 1000 points (!be nice or be warned!)


small spinal adjustment


pretty red train on megafobia on the break run. the breaks move about 2ft forward as it breaks

i'd rather not talk about this one


a very pretty park and this is how busy the walkways were all day

LOOK, its spooky (not very) 3D. it was odd and rather rubbish, nothing about this ride was 3D.

but it had statues waring bra's

and you get given glasses on sticks

now here is one of the majour reasons to visit this place is for brer rabbit, now you know your in Wales. theres rabbits on toilets, rabits rapping, rabbits playing with electricity, rabbits stuffed in washing machines and the one most awsome thing in the world, a room with rabits drinking beer even a rabbit passed out on the floor with a beer inbeded in its mouth. its just one big laugh from one end to the other and is worth it for the laughability factor

not just a party, its a rap party

steven thought this was the funnyiest sign in the world and got told to quieten down by the train driver

this should be the parks motto but they need to add "or else" at the end of the scentence

they had one of these silly little coaster and no they wouldent let us on

there indoor play area looked wicked but again KIDZ ONLY, not fair

what the hell is a smoby?

GOULDY!!!!!!! stop chasing butterflys and lets ride some coasters

more first drop goodness

and the award for the most inovitive ride name goes to

best rule of the whole park not 1 screaming or crying kid on a ride it was great and i say well done oakwood for this rule

huss pirate ship and this is a really good one too but it was spoilt

it was spoilt by this ride-op.... not only miserable but wouldent start the ride untill the boat was compleatly full down to the last seat, he even split up a family to fill 1 seat then he "acidentally" on puropse hit a kid on the way out of the gate. if you ever see this ride op around the park watch him carfully and keep away from him. he should of been fired along time ago!

water ride time and we was on cobra, it was really fun with a long shallow drop to start but it quickly gained speed. then the drops were very cool too as it was compleatly dark and you did get pretty high up the walls of the slide itself. its was a little wet but well worth it and we went on again later in the day

gouldy and linny off into the abis

sign of qulity? yes but not on this piece of junk

from out the front of the ride the trees look far away but behind the bush's the very well not

but its a very very fun kiddy coaster and is always abit of a laugh and i think very cool as its one of the only coasters where the tree removal was truly the absaloute minimum

time to get very very wet on hydro. its a cool ride with an intence drop and alot of wetness at the end but again the short que was ruined by poor dispatch, i timed one dispatch from load to unload and it was just over 7 minuits which is totally silly for the type of ride it is and not only that the ride is open from 2PM till 5PM so thats not even half the park opening day. sorry to say but oakwood needs to sell this to another park and put that cash towards a log flume or a rapids type ride that would suit it better and cost them less to run.

the ride is very photo genic though and dose look the part


everyone is wet in 3......2......1.....

the first touch is always the softest

NERD shot

the water from hydro was so cool and refreshing

just so you know gouldy dosent do heat, sunny or hot and water did nothing to help him


i dont think i can say more about this ride apart from how poor it is and how much it needs to be more forcefull

art'sy shot of speed in the loop

you think greatbear has that one odd support, well look at this one. its totally useless and nothing like the rest around the turn for absoloutly no reason

almost perfectally round loop like a swarpy but nowhere near as forcefull, speed is all about the airtime on the first hill, the section into the MCBR and the high G final helix

still think this is the only really coaster properly dedicated to no limits

since last year they have actually added some themeing

were on the padel boats with the worst turning circle in the world. if you know what linny and steven are looking at PM gouldy and tell him

whats going through gouldys mind? wouldent you like to know?

the the boat started to leak, great

but from here we can get more photos of megafobia

anyone else feel like eating fish and chips about now?

whatever your doing to steven stop it

we were pretty shure this ride op was trying to kill gouldy

one final look at hydro as we leave for the front gate
overall yet another random and fun trip for the UK coaster crew. we had alot of laughs, seen some bad things and some good thing
the park has some very good rides in it but the dispatch is the poorest i have come across. the lines didnt need to be as long as they did even on a single train dispatch and quite a few of the ride ops were either rude or lazy, the park food is not great and i would say take some lunch with you if you go. its a very worth while park to visit but once a year is enough and there are other parks closer to home id rather go to even though this park has a very very very good woodie and what is still my favorite euro-fighter.
and a final image for you as i leave you with this gif of hydro
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