Enjoy fellas, also...: This is a nice preview of my new cam quality. I know youtube downgrades the quality a bit. But it's still pretty good to see the difference between my old cam and new cam.
Old cam = Onrides
New cam = Offrides
Coastercount: 1410(I've seen the world and it's horrid contraptions... @.@) - Wood: 142 - Steel: 1268
WOW. I'm very impressed with the video. That park has so many cool rides that I've never even seen before! Wowwowow!! Great vid, Dirk. Like the new camera.
X2 ??? Intimidator 305 ??? Millennium Force ??? Iron Rattler ??? El Toro ??? Fury 325 ??? Maverick ??? Skyrush ??? Twisted Timbers ??? Voyage 250