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Ocean Park:Hair Raiser ????????????????NOW OPEN????????????????

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Post December 8th, 2011, 3:39 pm
AyTrane Premium Member
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Post December 8th, 2011, 8:04 pm

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looks sick. That looks to have multiple airtime moments. And i love the turn by the cliff at the beginning. I also love the immelman.

Post December 9th, 2011, 1:22 am

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I think the pacing looks fantastic. Just because its not going through the layout with OMFGWTF speed shouldnt knock that. This is so graceful and looks like airtime and hangtime are in abundance. Just not at WARP speed.

Post December 9th, 2011, 1:28 am

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this looks great, reminds me of the creativity that went into Iron Wolf, Hydra, Georgia Scorcher....

Just doing more than inversion after inversion.
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Post December 9th, 2011, 1:57 am
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Iron Wolf was made when standups rarely had 3 inversions. I still feel sorry for SFA getting that without even getting new trains.
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Post December 9th, 2011, 2:06 am

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Hair Raiser is a unique ride. Yeah, it's inversion after inversion, but the only thing that looks meh on the ride is the ending...
Oh, were you expecting something here?

Post December 9th, 2011, 10:22 am

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Post December 9th, 2011, 11:21 am

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Interesting to note the slight laterals coming out of the airtime hill after 1:09. Something B&M hasn't done much of until recently.

Post December 9th, 2011, 11:48 am

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^Kinda like that inversion on the new invert at Parc Asterix.

I still think it looks pretty lame because of how tame it is...the special B&Ms are the ones that stick out in intensity...SoGo, Kumba, Nemesis, etc.

And that is also one of the worst mounted POVs in existence, my god...

Post December 9th, 2011, 12:05 pm

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^5000th post.
Originally posted by AJClarke0912

"Newtony-piece-a-poop upward spiraling barrel roll"

But none of that really hits here so it's okay.

Post December 9th, 2011, 12:55 pm

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lol The other POV was better.

I have to agree with's not insane but the pace is good. I still think it could use some extra punch for sure. Nonetheless, a B&M coaster for this park is sure to be a capacity monster and a general hit among the crowd. Glad they made the investment.

Post December 9th, 2011, 1:49 pm
TheArchitect User avatar
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omg that is the most amazing B&M i've ever seen. The drop is beautiful, the way you fall into the bank like that. Just... wow. These guys blow me away, no other company is like them.

Post December 11th, 2011, 11:12 pm
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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Originally posted by Jakizle

I still think it looks pretty lame because of how tame it is...the special B&Ms are the ones that stick out in intensity...SoGo, Kumba, Nemesis, etc.

I pretty much agree on that. All the newer B&M's (I think we already can speak of a 3rd generation?) are more build around the perception of riding instead of intense and powerful rides that thrill people. Look at all the more recent coasters from B&M. None of them are extremely powerful on G's like the 1st generation B&M's were.
From what I've noticed they are going for better maintainance friendly coasters, by making the transitions slower and smoother, to reduce the stress on the wheels and cars. Very good for the themeparks as well, because they don't need to spend tons of money to keep the ride maintained.

Even tho the ride looks pretty tame, I think it would provide a fun ride. The airtime hump just before the Zero G would probably deliver something around a fun floater, as we are used from B&M rides. Only it let's a bit down on the quickness with element follow up. But yeah, I've noticed that on about every recent coaster from B&M.

I hope the ECC organizes a trip to China in 2013. With so many new rides out there it would be sweet to check them all out. [:)] After that I can give a good opinion about the ride experience. Now it's probably just waiting for us on more POV's and stuff.
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Post December 12th, 2011, 12:58 am

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Frankly, Kumba is great but it is not dynamic at all. Its just MORE POWER the whole way. Incredibly fun but has no character IMO. All the elements are taken at one speed - insane. A good ride to me should have a variance of feelings, not just one.

If its all paced too slow, then its boring. Too fast and it loses a sense of flow and pace. Kumba more or less loses that flow and pace because it just rips through everything. Id rather have that than too slow but HairRaiser doesnt look too slow to me. Especially not concerning the layout and elements.

Post December 12th, 2011, 1:16 am

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I guess after riding so many coasters now, the thing that sticks out are rides that are just balls out intense. Kumba delivers and I love it.

However I do think it has a ton of character, not sure what you mean there. It's setting itself is very unique, and some of the shaping is one of kind, like the entrance to the cobra, MCBR, the dive into the tunnel etc.

There's just nothing about Kumba not to like and it's the only B&M looper anywhere near my top 5-10.

Also, Kumba's 2nd half is very different from it's first half IMO. It's still extremely powerful but definitely has a different and more flowing pace than the first half of insanity.

Post December 12th, 2011, 2:14 am

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Jake, I've been on Kumba more times than you have, and I agree. I don't know what it is about Kumba, but it's just all-out insane. There is not a single moment of boredom on that ride from the first drop until the brake-run.
Oh, were you expecting something here?

Post December 12th, 2011, 9:07 am

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Yup, I love Kumba too. I find that it's everything mentioned earlier, but it's also just a beautiful ride in with a fantastic layout. Of course some of you may be thinking "well it's got a very standard layout", but do remember that it was the coaster that started that layout style, and it's the only one that I feel fits it the best. Such a unique vertical plot...the big elements start, and the zero-G roll dives deeper than the beginning. Little prep bank, cobra roll begins slamming and doesn't let up, curving up and around both the railroad AND the bridge underneath. The MCBR brings it back to the "upper shelf" where it does some tight flatspins and that B&M turnaround that is now popular. You'll see that the turnaround originated again from Kumba because of it's terrain that made it to happen that way. Pace break, tunnel, and sweet helix close very close to the ground and it finishes.

I've ridden it a lot, and I think recently it's been turned up a tad from whatever rehab stuff they did to it. It seems to run faster, but I could be wrong (it may just be the louder roar). Backseat on this ride though... <3

So anyway Hair Raiser.


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