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Omaha School Added to List of School Shootings

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Millard South students Lindsey Shoot, Lindsey Couch and Chris Skelton all embrace during a memorial service Thursday outside Millard South. ALYSSA SCHUKAR/THE WORLD-HERALD

Questions remained and the pain lingered Thursday in the wake of what?????????s believed to be the worst school shooting incident in Nebraska. After Wednesday, Millard South joins the long, sobering list of schools around the globe that have been devastated by disaffected students with guns.


It's sad to think kids still can't go to school without the possibility of something like this happening.
Last edited by haydawg149 on January 6th, 2011, 4:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post January 6th, 2011, 7:28 pm

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Post January 6th, 2011, 8:23 pm

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if the dumbass mother love parents and teachers would pay attention to what goes on in school
we could stop bulliying and then shool shootings
kids dont realize that pushing someone everyday and verbal abusing them
causes this poop to happen

i dont really sorry for the people who got affected..
i feel bad for the kid who did the shooting becaquse he felt that there was no way out .. :(

Post January 6th, 2011, 8:31 pm
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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You have a warped view of life.
"Careful man, there's a beverage here!"

Post January 7th, 2011, 1:07 am

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they caused the kid to think he had no where to go..
so he pulls out a gun and shoots people then himself
the people he probaly shot where the ones who hurt him the most

thats what columibin was about and most of the other shootings too
they were about being bullieted and no one giving a poop about what happens in school

i dont support going to a school and shooting people.
but i allso dont support the bullshit these kids hide behind either..
"o we dont know why he went crazy and shot people"
they know why and yet they dont stand up to what they have done
this allso shows that parents are not raising there kids at all .. they just let there kids do what they want

o and my view on life is a very good one too
face what youjhave done and admit it.. even if you have to pay for what you have done. or not do it at all..

Post January 7th, 2011, 1:22 am
Tetsu Premium Member
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No one told the kid it was ok nor a good thing to destroy (or at least damage) the football field and track. They had to do something so they suspended him. Thus he goes on a shooting. If the kid had any kind of mindset, he wouldnt have driven all over the school property. He deserved the punishment he was given and he went off. There was no notion of him being bullied or anything else. So yea....

Post January 7th, 2011, 5:36 am

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all im saying is that kids can be cruel
and in most cases.. they r bullied

Post January 7th, 2011, 6:24 am
gouldy User avatar
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a lot of kids get bullied. In fact, at some point during their school life, almost every single child is picked on for some reason or another. I understand that it is a lot worse and more persistant for some than it is for others, but not everyone pulls out a sub machine gun and starts blowing fellow students and teachers away.

Whether they had been severely bullied or not, don't feel bad for the "shooter", because bullying or no bullying, it takes a certain kind of person to go through with something like this.

Post January 7th, 2011, 11:55 am

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Originally posted by highthrills2

all im saying is that kids can be cruel
and in most cases.. they r bullied

Yes, but don't blame the victims. An eye for an eye... this wasn't the case.

If you're getting picked on man up, go to the gym, and beat some ass. Some kids started throwing food at me one time when I was in high school. I took my piece of pizza, walked over to a kid who was twice my size, and stuffed it on the side of his head as hard as I could. Wouldn't you know that was the first and last time I ever got food thrown at me again. If I would have gotten my ass kicked I still would have gotten respect from others and respect for myself. The kids who get picked on aren't the ones who get the poop kicked out of them when they stand up. It's the weak ones who don't stand up at all. Going into school armed with weapons is the true cowards way out.

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