gouldy wrote:
Ahh, don't be so sure, Derby have dropped off the pace a little, and we're undefeated now for 7 games, having won 5 of them. Having said all that though, the match in question is on Sky, and we're always DREADFUL when we're on Sky.
Either way, win, lose, or draw, Saturday 21st will be fine for us. Works really well that that match is on the Friday because of Sky. Put us down for either the Saturday, or the Sunday, as we're flexible at the weekend!
Haha indeed, Derby faltered towards the end of the seasons last year too and to be honest I'd rather see Derby lose anyway!
JAMMYD778 wrote:
Sounds good. If it was an opening it would be a Sunday for myself. Would love to attend my first enthusiast meet, I'm pretty sure my friends are fed up of my coaster geekdom by now lol. Also would depend on travel from near Birmingham.

I live Bearwood area and Gouldy lives Wolverhampton which is like a 10 minute train journey from New Street so I'm sure getting a lift from one of us won't be an issue!