Paramount Park Spain was announced a little over two years ago, and while the plans promised a large theme park filled with attractions themed to Paramount intellectual properties, not much has happened at the worksite thus far. Many, including myself, figured that Paramount Park Spain was to be added to the ever-growing list of "sounds neat but never happened" park plans, but perhaps I wrote this one off too soon.

The developers behind the project, Premursa, have suddenly award tens of million of dollars in construction contracts to companies that will build the development. Granted that does not literally mean money had changed hands, but you certainly need contractors to build a theme park!
The first contractor is said to be on-site in early 2014 to start to build the roads and basic necessities that are required before the park construction can start. The plan is to have Paramount Park Spain open in the latter part of 2015 - to accomplish this there will be as many as 4,000 workers on site when things are underway.

Next to the theme park is a planned LifeStyle Center, which will include hotels, retail and conference centers. It sounds like that may be a phase two type project at this point.
I will be interested to see if the construction starts as planned, as this park does look to have some neat attractions designed for it. You can check those out in a series we did back when the park was first announced.