Ckidmwm, it's becoming a little bit of both right now. More of the issues with shaping. Lord knows I will never be able to produce a corkscrew just the way it should be on a B&M invert, which is why I have never uploaded one. But I'm going to push it reaaal good.
The invert is really going all over the place right now. I know the essence I want the invert to convey, but layout is trickyyy. And I always struggle shaping B&M elements, but I'm determined to complete this endeavor. I think it fits well with this park. Or, it will seem a lot more so when supports and scenery are added.
**Remember, this is actually a part of the park shown previous. I'm making the other tracks invisible so as to for because computerating speeds.
Are you sure the track apex isn't too condense at the top of the hill that dives into the helix? You don't want people to smash their legs if they stick them out.
Thanks for all the support guys. And yes those transitions that I have are just fine for the trains, as DCs proved, they exist on several inverts; Talon, Patriot, Katun, heck Chinese Dragon has a massive airhill. And my radii are definitely large enough for safety!