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Parkour/Free Running

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Post June 23rd, 2006, 2:09 pm

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A few of my friends and I have been getting into this "new" sport. Last weekend we went down to the University of Arkansas and ran a few lines there. Great work out. We found a nice plaza type area with a bunch of ledges we could run. I just improved a line and came across a six foot gap. Running down 3 ft. tall ledges that are 3-4 inches wide, I jumped the gap and kept going. That was when I was full of energy. I ran the same line when I was tired and kissed the concrete, 'bout put my teeth through my lips. Other than that, we had a good day. Any of you guys free run? Or are interested in parkour?

I've got plenty more stories. You guys tell yours. [:D]

Post June 23rd, 2006, 2:14 pm

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Sounds like this sport is very band-aid intensive.

Post June 23rd, 2006, 2:56 pm

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One day I went to my friends house and me and 2 other friends were trying to free run. So there was this large patch of dirt with a tree in the middle surrounded by plants, so we ran, jumped off over the dirt, onto the tree, and back over the dirt. So once I gave it a try, I must have been thinking about something else because I ran into the tree. Second time I tried my foot slipped on the tree and hit my shoulder against it. I eventually got it but my ankle started to hurt afterwards.

Post June 23rd, 2006, 3:05 pm

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Free running.[lol][lol][lol][lol]

Those in my generation will refer to it by it's proper name; running from the authorities while plastered off your ass (drunk running). I can't think of any other reason for this "sport". It's amazing what seems to catch on today.[dunno]

Post June 23rd, 2006, 3:07 pm

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I wonder what you were thinking about[8)] ^above Pdon

We were at a Chiles resturaunt, and it was raining. There were two benches that looked sooo tempting covered in rain. We were going to try to run and jump on the first, clear the gap, and slide off the second one. My brother went first, slipped, flew a couple feet in the air, and slammed his arse against the concrete in the gap. I decided not to try.

Post June 23rd, 2006, 3:15 pm
hyyyper User avatar
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i live in this area where the houses are 200 meters from each other, how much i would love to try it sometime, i can't superleap

Post June 23rd, 2006, 3:32 pm

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i fell off a wall, does that count in this sport?
Making screams come true

Post June 23rd, 2006, 4:21 pm

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I have never done that, but I have done some urban freeriding on my bike. I still prefer the trails to concrete though. [:P]

Post June 23rd, 2006, 4:32 pm

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Post June 23rd, 2006, 5:24 pm

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I've seen that vid. They're not the best, but they definately don't suck. My friends and I will be making our own parkour vid soon. You guys will see me bleed! ^.^
The same weekend we went to the mall before the UofA. On our way back to Josh's truck, Josh says we should free run the cars. I told him I'd run his truck. So, he goes at me at about 15 or 20mph and I run up the grill, over the hood on the roof and into the pickup. After about 4 or 5 hours of running he decides he can do the same. He asked if I would do it again, I told him no because I didn't have the strength left. So, he hands me the keys and says drive. Well, he was tired and a bit high when he attempted this, causing him to trip over the grill and slam into the windshield. Dumbass. His parents bought my story of being behind a dump truck and a rock falling on it. Oh well, all's well that ends well I guess.

Post June 24th, 2006, 5:58 am
gouldy User avatar
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I've been pretty interested in this stuff for a long time, I had been trying to do some of it in the past, only not outdoors where I could immensely embarrass myself [lol] At the gym in school and at home, generally trying to lay down a front flip off some form of object, I can do it off my sofa [:)]. Stopped now though, dunno why, just haven't done it for a while. Still likve watching videos of it though sometimes. I just love anything involving acrobatical skill and stuff like that, just yeah... [:)]

Post June 24th, 2006, 7:14 am

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Man, its good to watch, really good to watch, but i dont try to do it, because i know i would hurt myself now. About a year ago i could have at least tried, cos back then i could still handspring, headspring , flip and somersault. But now i can only handspring and headspring, so, i aint gonna try [:p] Epecially when there is concrete around.... lol.

Gouldy, did you watch that thing on the BBC about a year ago, all about Parkour? With the french guy from the BBC advert doing the handstand on top of that building, and then jumping off and around the walls at windsor castle and stuff. That was awesome. [:)]

Post June 24th, 2006, 8:24 am
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Yeah, awesome [:)]

Was that Jump London, or was it another program? [lol] Cus Jump London was an awesome program

Post June 24th, 2006, 9:14 am

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Yer it was jump London. That was awesome to watch. Even my parents loved it. lol.

Post June 24th, 2006, 3:44 pm
hyyyper User avatar
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anyone seen that french movie 'banlieu 13', that's a good one

Post June 24th, 2006, 4:29 pm

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free running? why does anyone need a new way to run? So going for a run or just jogging doesn't quite cut it anymore?

Post June 25th, 2006, 6:02 pm

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Why do people bitch about things so much? If you don't like something, post something you do like. Not everybody likes roller coasters, but do they come onto this site saying how much they suck? Stay out of topics you don't like, duh. Keeps everybody happy.

Post June 25th, 2006, 6:05 pm
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who here doesn't like coasters? that's like an ACE'r on a weight-loss forum

Post June 25th, 2006, 6:10 pm
jayman Premium Member
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dude.. to make it more exciting do it while carrying something you didn't pay for at the store like a t.v. or a bunch of money... try grabbing people purses and wallets as you go by, now THAT would be a cool sport.

Post June 25th, 2006, 6:53 pm

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