Mystic Timbers continues to rise and change the skyline (ever so slightly). I am sure hoping that this gives night rides that rival Beast's. The first drop already looks insane. White water's entrance (right around the train crossing) while be sure to give some great pictures of the first drop (as it does now) unless some trees are placed in front of it................

In other words the park looked great for ending the 2016 season and i have just a thought about what i would like to see for the 2017 season:
- NO BINS AT DIAMONDBACK!!!- I have heard a rumor about this but i forget where i heard it from, but in my opinion I hope this happens as I think it would speed up capacity/ Dispatch
-Vortex Paint Job- Hopefully the park gives the ride a nice new paint job for its 30th birthday. I would like new trains but that;s like asking B&M to build a forceful coaster................just kidding.
- LED Light packages- Heard a rumor that Monster and Zephyr might be getting new Light packages for next year. Hope to see this happen as it could bring "new light to the area..........
-Future of Extreme Sky flier - As Cedar Point removed their sky flier, could KI's days be limited? A nice flat ride or small coaster (if the removed Congo and the amphitheater) could fit here (Maverick 2.0 cough B&M cough)
-Not 2017 Related but both of Beast's lift hills have the new signs at the top. The second lift actually has a sign that says "DANGER PLEASE KEEP YOUR HANDS DOWN".
Anyways enjoy the videos/ pictures and this will be a long 6 months of an off season.