WOW! Lol, it does... it looks properly shaped too. See, this shows your real potential. I think that you could be a very good NoLimiter if you just set your mind to other thangs than jetcoasters.
Oh are you confused about where the reply is? Well look directly above this and kablammo! There it is!
Wow... that actually looks pretty good. i might smooth out those hills a bit (on the terrain not the coaster) to make it look more realistic but other than that it looks great.
Boulder Dash was the only good roller coaster.
"or if you're when the hydraulic fluid was dumped out of the motor is goes 200ft up the tower and is like "LOL nope"" - CKMWM 2016
A regular coaster by Cool? I guess you're turning over a new leaf for 2010. Looks good so far. I don't what else to say, I'm too shocked your building something other than a Jet Coaster.
Looking forward to this very much. Thunderbolt at Kennywood is one of my favorite rides and I know you're quite good with shaping, so this should be a quality track.
The one concern I have is it may be too smooth. What gives Thunderbolt (and most other old rides) it's charm is that every drop and valley is heavily misshappen...The drop itself might not be enough to give more than floater air however a misplaced ledger might create a bump causing for great ejector. The Cyclone at Coney Island is probably the best example of this. Were you able to get that type of shaping?
No. It has some pumping in the bottom of drops but has overall smooth shaping. Shall I send it to you to put in some misshaped track? It will give it charm of an old woody. I want someone who really knows about misshapen track to put it in my coaster without it looking like a poorly designed track.
No, but I can give you some ideas on what to do. Whereever you want a bump, look for the nearest ledger and adjust it up or down. then just split the track until the node is over that ledger and adjust it to fit the support. You can kind of see what I'm talking about in this photo: ... 488893080/