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Place where I speak

Say hi to the crowd of CoasterCrazians!

Post July 23rd, 2009, 12:40 am

Posts: 27
Points on hand: 1,556.00 Points
This is a very hollow blog, maybe containing only one particular entry :

if you want, give it a try and see how it goes :

but you have to be paying attention , okay ?

any time the mind is wasting resources by thinking about negative memories, intense feelings, etc,
say to it :
and it works so well :
i am sorry ,
please forgive me,

i love you

thank you

this saturates the area of our minds where are deepest beliefs about everything are contained, which creates dreams when we go to bed

and reprograms EVERYTHING!
its a cheat code,

remember it if you ever experience something, like say an argument, that just leaves you feeling URGGHGHAHHH

for a long time,
and you keep imagining, all these things, circling, for hours, or days
or weeks

these are the manifestation of stress.

better words for what these are exist in sanskrit and somewhat in western psychology but ,

they are more like emanations of stress, and this is perfect medicine,

cause if you try to stop thinking, whatever comes into your mind is something that wants attention, otherwise you'd have no thoughts, even for hours

Post July 23rd, 2009, 12:59 am
Tetsu Premium Member
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O..K...? I dont really get what you mean but how is this an introduction?

Post July 23rd, 2009, 6:01 am

Posts: 175
Points on hand: 117.00 Points
Id say its a good tip with the amount of arguments at this site.
The Best Ball Of Optimism and Neglect You Will Find For Miles!

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