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Please help!!

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Post November 15th, 2010, 5:40 am

Posts: 21
Points on hand: 53.00 Points
Location: Oakland, Ca
I installed the v1.71 update for No Limits recently, now when i try to install a track packager file i get this error...

folder not found:
c:\program files (x86)
o limits coasters

I've tried reinstalling the update, i've tried moving the source and destination files with no success.

If someone out there knows the fix to this, i would really appreciate the help.

Post November 15th, 2010, 5:55 pm

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first of all, shouldn't all of the slashes be backslashes?

Post November 15th, 2010, 6:04 pm
Mikey User avatar
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The backslashes are the wrong way, I believe its also case sensitive.

Install path should be

On 64bit Windows OS:

C:\Program Files (x86)\NoLimits Coasters v1.6

On 32bit Windows OS:

C:\Program Files\NoLimits Coasters v1.6

Post November 16th, 2010, 5:29 am

Posts: 21
Points on hand: 53.00 Points
Location: Oakland, Ca
The backslashes are correct far as it being case sensitive, it is, but thats not the issue.

What I was doing was copying the error message I get when trying to install a track packager file and that this all started after I installed the v1.71 No Limits update, and I have tried to fix the prob myself but haven't, as yet, found the fix.

Post November 16th, 2010, 5:41 am
Tetsu Premium Member
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Do you have the patch? ...

There is also a file you might need to place in your System32 folder. I dont recall what it is called though.

Post November 16th, 2010, 6:31 am

Posts: 21
Points on hand: 53.00 Points
Location: Oakland, Ca
^Didn't realize there was a patch for the packager...I'll try it, thanks.

Post November 18th, 2010, 7:16 pm

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The system32 file is zlib.dll which can be found in a Google search. It doesn't necessarily have to be in system32 as well; it may work just by residing in the NL directory and/or the track packager application's directory. Either way, you know it works unless you're getting error messages on it.

Most likely, the problem is that the track packager is not dealing with the configuration file (which is supposed to specify where your NL install directory is) correctly. Most likely the issue is a pissing patch, but I'm not sure as it has been a while since I've had this problem.

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