None of the staff here have anything against Tyler, we love him in our own way.
Isn't that sweet, they love you, Tyler[:P]
Anyways, I see No Limits as a form of entertainment. Like parks, your goal is to try and create the best ride that other people will enjoy, which is one reason why I haven't uploaded anything new l8ly, because I do not feel my rides are satisfactory enough to keep people here on wws happy, or myself happy. I like rides that I ride over and over again, and thats all I like. When I see that I get a high adrenaline rate, that makes me happy, because then I know I made a good ride. But that is no the case for all people, like yourself. Some people are soley about technical rates, and if they get a rate not up to thier standards then bam! Not everyone is going to like your work. People constantly critique real roller coasters that have perfect "Technical Work" (I.E Silver Bullet)
But if you aren't happy with your rides, then just don't upload any more. But I don't think you should have them delete your tracks, because some of them are very nice, and I like to ride over & over again. And if I uninstall no limits, and reinstall it, I would like to know that there's a place I can go back to and get the rides I enjoy riding over and over again.
P.S if you have no idea what I just said, sorry, When I was writing this, I forgot the point I was trying to make.[xx(]