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PLZ READ! -reals TTD rec- PLZ READ!

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Post December 2nd, 2004, 9:14 pm

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I love REAL's Top Thrill Dragster recreation, but i dont have and scenery! if anyone has it, please send all of it to me here:

Last edited by tiepilot35 on December 2nd, 2004, 9:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post December 2nd, 2004, 9:44 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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yeah Real, could you put back up the scenery, pleas???


Post December 3rd, 2004, 5:32 pm

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Post December 3rd, 2004, 7:47 pm
Brtnboarder495 Premium Member
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Yea it seems likes the link is broken. Its on CS, but half of us members dont have accounts and cannot, so Real, please reupload it with the objects inside, in a zip or something.

Post December 3rd, 2004, 10:08 pm

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Post December 3rd, 2004, 10:10 pm
Brtnboarder495 Premium Member
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No I checked, that site closed down after Riscit's mac trackUNpackager was released.

Post December 4th, 2004, 1:33 pm

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Ok, you can gather what you want from this, apply a label to me, make your own opinion or whatever. I know some people may be offended by this, others may understand it.

I wont post up the (unless I have a change of heart) the old files to my old TTD. Why? Because it downright sucks. Its primitive at best and so was everything about it.

Which to answer the next question "Could you upload your new one?"

Answer to that is no. When I made it I did it with a commitment to only ever upload to CoasterSims. It was somewhat a tribute to the knowledge I gained there. That ride wouldnt have been what it was without that site, no matter what anyone thinks about the site. I have not given it out to a single person nor have I uploaded it anywhere else.

A promise is a promise and I will keep my promise. Ive stuck to it ever since I uploaded.

This has nothing to do with this site though, I have been asked on at least 3 other sites to upload it, all with the same response. I apologize for those who may be upset. You must remember at the time I made it, I was banned from this site and while I didnt harbour any hard feelings towards it (more like confusion) I couldnt even physically do it if I chose too.

If you cannot honor that and get upset, I feel for you. Those who understand that, thanks for your support.

While I dont condone this, I cannot stop anyone from trying to swindle it from a member of CS. If you do, you would be good to keep it to yourself. I have a habit of stumbling upon stuff Ive made when people dont give credit, everything from elements to tracks to objects and textures. Im always fine as long as people ask me (for the elements, textures and objects), but never whole tracks.

Post December 4th, 2004, 3:31 pm

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Well if that is the case, could you email it to people who cannot access CoasterSims?

Post December 4th, 2004, 3:49 pm

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I understand your reason, but i thought you said you were trying to promote yourself around at sites, and since TTD is pretty much your trademark ride wouldnt it be senseable to upload?

Plus who keeps promises these days. TConwell promised his girlfriend she was the only one for he's hooked up with coasters992001....crazy world

Post December 4th, 2004, 4:29 pm

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I have not given it out to a single person nor have I uploaded it anywhere else.

Edge: I agree, as of right now thats my icon ride. But really, I have done a few rides since then that probably dont get the same recognition that I think are better.

I wont have too many 3ds heavy rides at all anymore. Ive shifted to alomst pure trackwork and support oriented tracks. Since most designers only ever deal with that (a seperate company deals with themeing) thats what Im focusing on. If you ever see anything 3ds on my rides, it probably wont be made by me.

and LOL @ TCon.

But Im trying to get away a bit from TTD. I dont think its an accurate representation of what I am about.

Post December 4th, 2004, 5:04 pm
Kev True Addicts
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TTD was nice, but it was hardly your best work IMHO. I guess what really blew me away with it was the level of detail that you put into it. I think that the invert that you have uploaded here blows it away, along with the wooden coaster that you have uploaded at CS (outlaw?). Any chance that we will see that uploaded here? If not, it's your choice. I bet everybody here would like to see it though. [:)]

Post December 5th, 2004, 11:54 am

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I may. Its probably not going to score high with the "rough" woodie people. Though, Im a huge wood fanatic now and I really can hardly get into doing anything but wooden coasters.

I just recently rode Thunderhead so I may be recreating that and doing my own wooden twister along with possibly a Shivering Timbers rip off if I cant squeeze it into the template. I just love da wooden coasters.

But Kev is correct, I would consider those 2 rides, especially Rebel to be much better (even though its far from being good by 1.5 standards! LOL )

Post December 6th, 2004, 7:38 pm

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i still dont understand why you cant email the objects to people who like your recreation of TTD. email please:

Post December 6th, 2004, 7:47 pm

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Well, I explained, I dont understand why people cant understand.

1. My first one isnt any good, its not something I would market for myself.
2. My second version while very good still isnt something Id market as what Im about. And also for the reasons I mentioned, such as I wasnt able to upload here at the time. Plus I made a promise/commitment which I plan on keeping.

3. I said I dont condone this, but youll have to get the files from someone else.

If you cant understand the part of me not breaking a promise, then I feel bad for you. Why would you push someone to break a commitment? I dont care how frivolous it may seem, doesnt matter.

You arent missing much...

Post December 7th, 2004, 1:36 pm

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I read you once was planning a recreation pack of all the coasters at CP. Are you still working on it?

Post December 7th, 2004, 8:11 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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you said that you weren't gonna be heavy on 3Ds anymore, what about recs? Besides, themeing really does pull the look together as realisic. Yes, you can still focus on the track designing. But you forget that designing in NL is completely different than real life. And the way you describe it, it sounds like your gonna get a job off of designing with it. besides, people wanna see eye candy. And the whole point of roller coasters is to make people happy. And, since you can't feel the forces in NL like you can with real roller coasters, you have to make up for what thiers a lack of. If I could, I would theme all of my rides. Plus, its a way to be more creative. but don't design the ride around the scenery. Design the ride, then do w/e you want to it after that.

Post December 7th, 2004, 8:36 pm

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you said that you weren't gonna be heavy on 3Ds anymore, what about recs?
I will not do the 3ds, but another person will.

Besides, themeing really does pull the look together as realisic. Yes, you can still focus on the track designing.
Sometimes yes, sometimes no. I will still focus on the track design and supports as much as ever. But I hate doing 3ds now, its a pain in the butt and utterly frustrating for a person like me. TTD 2003 was a major pain and I had the track done MONTHS before the 3ds ever got finished. NL to me isnt about 3ds which is what GETS rates SADLY. NL to me is about how realistic I can make a coaster. I dont care much about the rates or the score. I could throw together an "ok" ride and theme the living daylights out of it and probably get a great score. To me thats too easy.

Whats easier to get higher scores with, a heavily themed ride, or a lightly/not themed ride? Ill take the harder way thank you ;) Its more satisfying in the end.

But you forget that designing in NL is completely different than real life. And the way you describe it, it sounds like your gonna get a job off of designing with it.

No, I know its different. Duh, Im old enough to understand that. Im not going to get a job from NL in the amusement industry, but it will help. What will get me in is a combination of that plus a degree in structural or civil engineering and a creativity/desire to work in the field.

besides, people wanna see eye candy. And the whole point of roller coasters is to make people happy. And, since you can't feel the forces in NL like you can with real roller coasters, you have to make up for what thiers a lack of.
Thats why you watch the stats. I can easily feel the forces in my head if I watch the stats. I can get a great deal of information from the G's in all directions and the speed. Themeing only ever takes a mediocre ride and makes it great. IMO a great ride is one that doesnt need any themeing.

Shivering Timbers
Cornball Express

If I could, I would theme all of my rides. Plus, its a way to be more creative. but don't design the ride around the scenery. Design the ride, then do w/e you want to it after that.

Again though, I dont like to theme anymore. I like to put my creativity into a ride that doesnt rely on eye candy to do great things. Is that truely a great ride? or was it superficially boosted? Im not saying that themed rides arent great, they are. But a TRUELY great ride one is in which the actual ride itself outshined all others. The most themeing Ill ever do is to make it feel like its in a park, but that wont even be much. I dont have the drive to do 3d objects any longer, hence why I have a friend now whos brilliant and loves to work with me.

Post December 11th, 2004, 9:53 pm

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that does make me pretty mad that i cant have the objects, but, oh well, thats life... :D

Post December 11th, 2004, 10:36 pm

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You really arent missing anything.

It would be like you having the body to an old worthless junker car and trying to get the small engine that goes in it. The old TTD is really NOT that good and the 3ds were amatuer at best.

Please understand Im not trying to make anyone mad, you just arent missing out on much. If I felt you were I would give them to you, but I also have other stuff Id rather you guys see in the future.

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