Do you mean, to show other users how many points we have, or to see for yourself how many points you have, because if you want to see how many points you have personally, then click here but if you want to show other users how many points you have then I don't think you can.[;)]
it wouldn't be that much more convienent than it already is to have in the upper-right corner. not a bad idea, but i think it'd be a space waster. [pshades]
view your the points store to see how many points you have. Why Sign in info? You can see your username in the top right of the page if on and you can see your username on the left hand side below the coasterguy on If you are referring to passwords, that's a nono, we use encryption that is not backwards decryptable nor any other way so we cannot decrypt passwords and display them to you.
i agree that it is useless. even with dial-up, it doesn't take more than like 5 seconds to check up on your points. that would be a lot of work for nothing.