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Police Harrasment! ( excuse my vocabulary )

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Oscar User avatar
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I hate the police!
ok 2 days ago i got off from work at 1 a.m., actually 1:03 a.m. We suaully close 10-15 min to 1 a.m. but we stuck it out longer due to some problems we were having with some merchandise where I work. So after we close, I always head over to Carl's Jr. for some dinner. I pull in and the people already know me and stuff so they already start getting my food ready as soon as they hear me. Anyway, the drive through chick starts telling me about some shooting at the park ( 1 block east ) I saw the police being franctic and stuff so I decided to stash my two gun clips in the glove box, but before I could do that, I am being flashed down by the cops and stuff. I had not taken anything out of my bag yet as far as my gun and clips, which I always carry for self defense. Never know when a foo will go crazy where I work at. Anyway, they pull me out and immediately cuff me and patted me down adn took all my belonging from my pockets and stuff. Including a military switch blade knife [:p]. Next they sat me down on the freaking curb or the drive through. They start going through my car searching for stuff till they get to my bag where I have my gun and clips and stuff. Then they decide to tell me what they had cuffed me for. bastards didn't ask for permission, it's the law for them to ask for permission to search you car! Abuse of authority right there! They tightened even more the cuffs on me, still have the bruises from them too! So I am sitting there waiting for them foos to clear me out, there's 6 car units and like 10 cops with me, as if I can get out of the cuffs and beat them all up and get away [lol] Anyway, meanwhile I am there, the so called witness comes along and points me out and blatantly states that yes in fact I was the shooter and yes in fact that was the car that was being driven! Anyway they scope out my gun, make sure it had not been fired in the past 24 hours, make sure it is registered to me. Meanwhile the real shooters are prolly still in the area laughing their asses off that the police are stupid enough to confuse me over them. Stupid cops know me! they know what time I get out, shots occured a whole half hour before I got out of work! even one of the cops that was there saw me 15 min before we closed! Needless to say with all that proff of me not being around the shooting place at that time they're still holding me. Stupid witness was an all out gangbanger. Anyway time past, arund 2 a.m. I am realeased and the stupid cop has the nerve to tell me that they should arrest me anyway for carrying a weapon in the car. I guess the idiots don't know that I am allow to transport the gun the way I had it with the safety case locked and bullet sin a separate compartment.
After I left I felt like circling around and shoot the witness for being a lying bastard.
Anyway today, their sarge, which I am good friends with, I explained what happened all and told them about cuffing me without telling why and the whole search without permission scenario. He said for me to file a complaint and to put down the names and witnesses of the people who saw me at the store all the way till 1 a.m., including the officer who can confirm for me that he saw me there 15 min prior to 1 as well. That those officers will be corrected and whoopla.
man I was so angry I got sick the next morning and still now, I have such a high fever that I was sweating in 15 degree weather inside the work fridge. Today fever came down but I am left with the sore throat and pounding headache.
I now officially hate the police and any mofo that shows up to my work place is no longer getting their stuff free. Now they will pay like any other customers. bastards come in, take their stuff and most of the time don't even say thanks or try to pay, just straight out stealing. If they try that, I will call the police on themselves and present them video proof of walking out without paying. Damn basters! I am so pist.

Post April 18th, 2005, 4:35 am

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Wow! Amazing story! I cant image how you felt when they arrested you! Well i hope you get some compensation

Post April 18th, 2005, 6:02 am
hyyyper User avatar
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jeeg wws, i'd go to a judge (i cant rember the verb, some with sue), and al least your cops arrest somebody, here in holland they do nothing except speeding tickets

Post April 18th, 2005, 6:25 am

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[lol] Sounds like a fun night out. At least they didnt full cavity search you

Post April 18th, 2005, 7:39 am

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Sounds like wrong place wrong time ... guess you will think twice about dinner at Carl's Jr. again, eh?

Post April 18th, 2005, 12:08 pm
Oscar User avatar
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guess you will think twice about dinner at Carl's Jr. again, eh?

Nope, I'll keep going. Why should I stop going due to some idiots not doing their job right?

Post April 18th, 2005, 12:25 pm

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Wrong, they are doing there job right, If there's a murder case and some guy quietly put some clips away when the police were near, i think there not just going to leave you. They think you are a murder suspect!

Post April 18th, 2005, 12:35 pm

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Ya i know how ya feel. One time some friends were round and this complete cow was here too. When we started to go home the cow started callin me names and tryin to run me over with her bike because i was walking with them back to watch a movie. So i turned around,swore at her then hit her not hard at all cos guys arent aloud to hit girls. So anyway she started crying and ran home. Later her mother phoned the police and they came round sayin I could get charged and all that rubbish even though there were neds going around stabbing kids ( has happened about 5 times this month by the same people) So anyway they go home and the next day what do ya know?
She constantly prank calls me all day.

Also another time was when these neds beat up my brother and he almost got killed and did they go to jail (they were 18) NO then the same neds stab a kid with a knife and then beat up an old lady coming out of church. How sad is that?.

Anyway thats why I hate them too.

Post April 18th, 2005, 12:35 pm

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Sorry for my spelling. I was typing really fast.[:p]

Post April 18th, 2005, 1:07 pm

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Originally posted by WeeWeeSlap

Nope, I'll keep going. Why should I stop going due to some idiots not doing their job right?
Heh ... right you are. I just thought maybe that place would be a bad omen now ... shoot, if it ever happens again there though ... DEATH TO THAT PLACE!! [lol]

Post April 18th, 2005, 1:19 pm
Oscar User avatar
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Wrong, they are doing there job right, If there's a murder case and some guy quietly put some clips away when the police were near, i think there not just going to leave you.

Another idiot we have here, did you not read the proof I had of not being anywhere near the area according to the time the shots occured? Moron, read carefully.

Post April 18th, 2005, 7:32 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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aren't they suppose to question you before they get all physical and crap on you? I mean, your working a store late at night, who the hell wouldn't keep a gun on him? At least you have a good story to tell your grand kids, now. Anyways, hope your fever goes away, and your bruises heal quickly.

Post April 18th, 2005, 8:03 pm

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When it comes down to it, cops are idiots that like to abuse their power. Honestly, I'm not crazy about them although I haven't had any issues with them.

Post April 18th, 2005, 8:25 pm

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After I left I felt like circling around and shoot the witness for being a lying bastard.


Post April 19th, 2005, 1:06 am

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Well wws I agree with you I hate the cops always have if im made I play a gta game and shoot the poop out of them well hope you get revenge

Post April 19th, 2005, 5:12 am

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Yeah it sucks, I got thrown in a patty wagon one night when a drug dog sat down near the trunk of my car. They Military Police then proceded to tear the car apart looking for drugs, which, there were none. The dog sat because of some cured salmon roe that I had been using as bait... I had been fishing. I also got taken to the station one night way back when I was training up for the army. I would get out of work at midnight, and then drive to a nicer part of the city and go for a run. I was picked up as a bulgary suspect... In full reflective running attire.

So yeah, I know how you feel BUT... Cops have a very hard job and a lot of what they do that people construe as harrassment is done merely out of their own self preservation. I am not saying that there are not bad cops out there, there are,but there are a whole lot more good ones that are just doing a very tough job.

So while I symathize and know how much having the cuffs thrown on is, try and understand what they deal with on a daily basis and cut them a little slack.

Post April 19th, 2005, 8:04 am

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A group of cops thought that I was about to rob a resteraunt when I pulled over in the parking lot to go to sleep in my car at 3am on my way to Holiday World.

Post April 19th, 2005, 5:59 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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that lying SOB still, should be beaten senslously, he probably knew the gunman, himself.

Post April 22nd, 2005, 12:50 am

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Post April 22nd, 2005, 2:47 am
Oscar User avatar
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Originally posted by man


rest assured that most have been corrected. I am swift in doing things and the results are fast. Believe me when I say I have connections up in that mofo they call a sheriff station.

Post April 22nd, 2005, 4:10 pm

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That's nuts wws.

Altho I have not been thru anything that intense I have been held at gun point by the cops and forced to lay down face in the dirt untill they figured out why I was where I was.

Hope you got the last laugh.

Post April 22nd, 2005, 5:07 pm
Oscar User avatar
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Hope you got the last laugh.

I sure am getting iot [:)] But I am still pist.

Post April 22nd, 2005, 5:36 pm
Kev True Addicts
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Originally posted by WeeWeeSlap

Hope you got the last laugh.

I sure am getting iot [:)] But I am still pist.

I would be pissed too.

Edit: You know, I really didn't think about it too much when I posted my story about the coordination test yesterday. For those of you who read it and found it offensive, I offer my apologies. I've done a lot of things in my past that probably wasn't very wise, but I have no regrets. I removed the story though, because I don't want anybody to think that I was glorifying drug and alcohol abuse.

Anyways, back to the topic at hand. Give em hell, WWS! [:D]

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