Originally posted by SMerOriginally posted by Z00Z3R
and not only does it seem like he doesn't know what he's doing...he just keeps making it worse.
thats what just about the whole country thinks right now because either they like to judge based on what they can see in the media or they go by popular opinion. Both of my parents work for the government and they know very well whats really goin on over in the middle east. Its not so much that we're just keeping troops over there for no reason, its the fact that there are still a lot of supporters of Saddam. With that said, there's also the fact that basically everyone but the supporters of Saddam is sincerely and incredibly happy for what we did and what we're still doing. It might seem like they're wasting time, money, and lives by staying over there, but they
have and are still rebuilding a freaking country. All the terrorist attacks you hear about, the roadside bombings, they put a more negative image on the current situation. My point is, you need to look at it as a whole, see EVERYTHING that's happened and is still happening, THEN decide. Its ever too common that people speak before they even know something these days.
yes, the people who are the happiest about the fall of saddam are the people we've been fighting there since. i'm 35 years old,i pay CLOSE attention to not what people say about george bush and what he says and does, but what he does do and say, and people like that smug c*nt condi too. i was in the navy for 6 years, my parents are incredibly stereotypical hard core, right wing conservative fundamentalists who can be sold anything with a "jesus fish "sticker on it, like george bush and his war. I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT when i talk about how scary it is to have someone like him as our president. he's a tool of both the military hawks AND the religious right, which is costing us, these are two groups that should never hold power this huge.the man will push the button if he thinks it'll make a prophecy come true or make america look like a bad ass. . . there are still military personell over there thinking that they're there because "it's paybacktime for 911" many of them don't know that there have been admissions of "no connection between saddam hussien and alqueada" except for one simular to one between, say, jerry falwell and bill clinton. i'm not a democrat , no sir, nor a republican.. i'm a PROUD non partisan , and i hated having to vote for kerry last election,. but it was the only other real choice because of our screwed up, 2 party system.
that the economy is in a shambles is ambiguous but not neccesarily irrelevant... honestly(and yes i have thought about it) i think that he thinks the rapture will happen before it gets bad enough to affect him..... i could go on and on, but i'll stop...