Originally posted by cjd
With all coasters, you get EITHER airtime or inversions. With wood, Son of Beast is the only one with a loop, and it has basically NO airtime. All B&M coasters have no airtime, except for Talon which just has a short pop, and even Schwarzkoph, Intamin, Vekoma, and Arrow loopers are all posotive g's. With hypercoasters, you get the airtime but no inversions. As soon as they can make one with both, I will be truly happy. Back on topic, I'm a wood freak. I love the out-of-control feeling, the airtime the laterals, the headchoppers, and the insane sensation of speed. There's nothing I hate worse than a coaster that has great potential that turns out to be over-engineered and has hardly any insane g-forces. Nitro is a perfect example of this, with huge rounded corners and hill bottoms and lightweight airtime rather than floater. Wood doesn't dampen its g-forces like steel does. Wood throws you up, down, sideways, and turns your brain all over the place, where most steel coasters just press you to your seat and flip you upside down. However, if a steel coaster could be made with forces like a woodie, they would be much better. Airtime + inversions = [:)]
Actually, some of the good loopers have some negative g...Volcano, Anaconda, Shockwave, but its no Phoenix airtime [;)]