goliath100, this is your binary code in two byte integers:
0010100011100101 = 10469
0101000111001010 = 20938
1010101010111100 = 43708
0111001001010111 = 29271
1100111000000101 = 52741
0101010111110000 = 22000
0100100100101010 = 18730
1011110000001010 = 48138
1000010010010010 = 33938
-> this isnt even two bytes and falls off.
10101001 = 169 if one byte is used
and this in one byte characters (used hex here, easier character lookup) in DOS font
binary hex character
00101000 = 0x28 = (
11100101 = 0xE5 = o with ~
01010001 = 0x51 = Q
11001010 = 0xCA = bottom center of dialog in DOS
10101010 = 0xAA = right top corner (single line)
10111100 = 0xBC = lower right corner (double)
01110010 = 0x72 = r
01010111 = 0x57 = W
11001110 = 0xCE = center (double)
00000101 = 0x05 = clubs symbol
01010101 = 0x55 = U
11110000 = 0xF0 = -
01001001 = 0x49 = I
00101010 = 0x2A = *
10111100 = 0xBC = lower right corner (double)
00001010 = 0x0A = control DLE
10000100 = 0x84 = a with :
10010010 = 0x92 = ae character
10101001 = 0xA9 = rights reserved symbol
OK now you maybe believe that i DO know how to program for quite a bit. I know binary, octal, and hex, that's for shure [;)]
PS i have written a hex to character and number conversion utility just now so I did this quite quickly.
Intamin AG