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port aventura Review

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Post September 19th, 2004, 10:55 am
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
True Addicts
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Location: Noord-Brabant, Netherlands
17-08-04 -- Port aventura -- 18-08-04

Day 1:
We went to the park, no traffic jams, short wait for the parking. But when we were at the entrance there were huge queues for the entrance. Finally after 30 min waiting we got our ticket and could enter the park. Nice park lots of theming great staff. As first we went to dragon kahn, i couldn't wait to ride it. Finally, in the chinese area at dragon kahn. A wait of 30 min, there were 2 trains running. Finally first ride. Totally in the back seat. Great first drop. Gave a true rush. The loop, awesome, then a very nice dive loop, it keep holding it's force. Then the zero g roll. I really felt i was going to be thrown out the seat. More like a 2g roll. then the cobra roll. Great smoothness and still holding it's force. On the brake run. Finally time to get a breath. Imeadiatly down again. and diving into another loop. It felt still like you get 4g. Then a great turn and diving into the corkscrews. Awesome. Great feeling. Another turn and the last corkscrew and also a action photo. A high g turn and the brakes. Totally awesome. a really great ride. Then we went to the woody, stampidia, we went in the queue and noticed a very long queue. We waited and waited, 1????????? hours long. Then we also noticed that there was a fast pass. so you could enter the rides way quicker! We were too late for that so we got tired of waiting too long in the queues. So we went to the costa cariba next too port aventura. Great swimming pool lots of fun slides. 2 tips for if ur going to port aventura and costa cariba: When ur inside the park, get as fast as possible a fast pass at one of the info-points. If you can't get a fast pass because there sold out. Go after 2pm to the entrance of costa cariba inside the park, you can enter for half money.

Day 2:
I were dropped off at the entrance of port aventura and because i bought also a ticket for today i didn't had to wait too long at the entrance. I was very quick in the park and i went imediatly to one of the info-points to get a GOLD fast pass. there 17,50 each and you can enter every fast pass queue you want. After i got the fast pass i went to dragon kahn again to enter the fast pass line, i noticed that this time that there were running 3 trains. I could imediatly enter the ride in the front seat. Again lots of force that doesn't take off till the end of the ride. after 5-6 rounds i went to the woody. Ridden 8 times. 2 times front and back of both tracks ( blue and red ). I prefer the back, more air time, stampidia was the first REAL woody ive ridden, lots of air time and lots of lateral! a really great ride at the park. After that i went to a splash boat ride. Everyone had to wait 2 hours to enter the queue and i could enter the ride in 10-15min. I got real soaked on that hot day. Finally some refreshment. I enjoyed the whole day of the fast pass, it's great if you got one. every queue MAX 15min. There weren't really other good coasters at port aventura but the dragon kahn and stampidia are great. If your nearby the park i really recommer to enter the park and enjoy those 2 awesome coasters.
Coastercount: 1410 (I've seen the world and it's horrid contraptions... @.@)
- Wood: 142
- Steel: 1268

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