Yes Edge, but people also don't like site with a bunch of 7 year olds swearing every second word and spamming the boards with absolute rubbish. The 1 liners are way out of control, over at my hosting company, we take no crap and give several warnings before we ban the crap out of them
Theres a balance you need to find.
hmmm hosting company banning their customers from the forum for posting one liners,,,, intelligent speak of a balance, but what is a balance to you, Mr. Mature, 100% all seriousnes no fun guy, may not be a balance for me, Mr. Fun loving, joking around dude. I like fun, you like math. I like to laugh, you like to uhmmmm frown?
I don't care, your balance is not my balance nor the staff's balance. My site, I repeat my site is geared towards fun, not mathematical "geniouses" who can't stand heartful comments.
I like it best because it's the best site and has intelligent people on it unlike this one.
You made something unintelligent, as the saying goes "It is better to be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."
Mind you, there are intelligent people here banging traffic left, right, up, and down here. We are supreme. We draw the crowds and we have the people to get us there. Our staff and beloved members are just that cool. What's the point of being a sour tight ruler? We are like them, people enjoying the site and thus we enjoy the site this way and let them enjoy it as well. We are plain insane, ehll even getting people to ban someone for x days, that's crazy, unheard of at other sites and the victim, well enjoyed it, until he really got banned for the x days
We change people's name at random and stuff, piff, we are loony, we are PSYCHOES!!!!1!11!1 [LOL] oH NOES!!! rUN i AM CURSING EVERY SECOND WORD!!!2213#@$#@!!@42345#647#%^*&536*%#%@#!%$%^#%^&^*$^&