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how much do you hate/love

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Post September 18th, 2005, 3:22 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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Riscit said you could post thier park pack on other sites.

Post September 18th, 2005, 3:30 pm
Oscar User avatar
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hyypperrr only the first sentence was meant for you, the rest was just ramblings [lol]

Post September 18th, 2005, 3:30 pm

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Apparently all the major contributors to, were problem children who can't take jokes. *Angry* "I'm a god and I got a rating of less than 10, can you please ban the person". Admin *Nervously* "Sure, sure, anything to please you my master, anything." You people really need to loosen your grip, you take life WAY too seriously. That's why WWS is sooooo much better imo, we can handle rips, you temper tantrum contributors can't. Plain and Simple.

At WWS, we accept other people's opinions, and we know that we can't please everyone. At CS, if you are not pleased with crap, your banned.

Post September 18th, 2005, 3:33 pm

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Sorry coolbean326 their ules state that you can not create a coaster using there park pack and post it on another site!.

Post September 18th, 2005, 3:42 pm

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Owen -- too bad, cause I have done it ... and I openly challenge them to come after me. I mean, I'm real scared of the people ... Oooooooo. Heh, tell them to bring their crap on, and pray that their attorney is better than mine.

Post September 18th, 2005, 3:45 pm
hyyyper User avatar
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i say everbody must inclube at least one object of the park pack

Post September 18th, 2005, 3:51 pm

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Originally posted by hyyyper

i say everbody must inclube at least one object of the park pack

I'll make sure to do that on my next coaster. Heck I'll include the all the objects, just to get their panties up in a bunch.

Post September 18th, 2005, 3:55 pm

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Before anyone else feels the need to put words in my mouth....

The Park Pack license agreement states that you may create a coaster which USES the park pack. You may upload that COASTER anywhere. You may NOT upload the OBJECTS with it, however. All you need to do is say "this needs the park pack.. you can get it here without signing up for anything: But that site is teh suxx0rs! so stay away from it!"

It's as simple as that. It's similar to saying that a map you made for a video game requires an expansion pack, or that a movie you made requires a specific codec.

And sorry to disapoint, but it's boxers... not panties.

Post September 18th, 2005, 4:01 pm

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Originally posted by riscit

And sorry to disapoint, but it's boxers... not panties.

If I said that on CS to a "god" I'd get banned.

Post September 18th, 2005, 4:03 pm
hyyyper User avatar
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Originally posted by riscit

Before anyone else feels the need to put words in my mouth....

The Park Pack license agreement states that you may create a coaster which USES the park pack. You may upload that COASTER anywhere. You may NOT upload the OBJECTS with it, however. All you need to do is say "this needs the park pack.. you can get it here without signing up for anything: But that site is teh suxx0rs! so stay away from it!"

It's as simple as that. It's similar to saying that a map you made for a video game requires an expansion pack, or that a movie you made requires a specific codec.

And sorry to disapoint, but it's boxers... not panties.

go ahead and stop me

Post September 18th, 2005, 4:04 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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Before anyone else feels the need to put words in my mouth....

SOrry, I said it wrong, I meant you could upload tracks that use the park pack, not the actual park pack itself.

Post September 18th, 2005, 4:05 pm
Oscar User avatar
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you guys get all your panties, thongs and boxers all knotted up, go commando and worry free of knot ups. For a fee of $5, Edge will remove them for you, you pay any traveling expenses, hotel expenses and emotional distress and stress expenses he may experience at doing so. Anyway, this topic is going in circles, he said she said he said that and ultimately it all ends like whatever, so continue on, it's fun to see you guys dish it out. Cheap entertainment [lol]

Post September 18th, 2005, 5:03 pm

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"... emotional distress ..." -- are you kidding? That darn lad has a tent pole thinking of the first opportunity he can get to do that!

Post September 18th, 2005, 5:04 pm
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Post September 18th, 2005, 9:29 pm

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Well the question was/is, "how much do you hate/love"

I really do not have any problems with what so ever. I really have no problems with either. I like the atmosphere over on cs more then here. I am an old dude an really like the way the forums are handled as far as the swearing goes.. Sure you can spit out a "poop" here and a "damn it" there. The F word really has no place on and in a thread. You want to swear at someone be a big boy/girl and IM them or whatever you are using to contact them that way. No need to smear or "flame them" in a thread so everyone can get a chuckle out of it.

AS far as the ratings go on coasters, The rating scale here as to over on cs is about the same. You get your idiots that rate just to rate. Then you have your quality raters that give good/great comments. I have no problem what so ever with a bad rate as long as the comments are justified. I am not afraid to upload here in fear of a bad rate. I have five coasters here. I just have a hard time getting the files correct to upload thats all. [:D]

So, with all this that is going on in this thread what comes of it? Anybody with an answer?

It seems to me its a thread for just letting out your frustrations about cs. Fine be me. Just don't bash the quality members over there.
Same goes for the quality members here on WWS.[;)]

Post September 18th, 2005, 9:53 pm

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Hmmm, i think the F word is not a Bad word, who decided that anyways, for now on Coaster Sims is A Bad Word!

Post September 18th, 2005, 9:56 pm

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Right. Ok so weve established that everyone hates CS over here (sans a few people). Im curious, what does this accomplish?

Post September 18th, 2005, 9:56 pm

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Originally posted by hyyyper

Originally posted by riscit

Before anyone else feels the need to put words in my mouth....

The Park Pack license agreement states that you may create a coaster which USES the park pack. You may upload that COASTER anywhere. You may NOT upload the OBJECTS with it, however. All you need to do is say "this needs the park pack.. you can get it here without signing up for anything: But that site is teh suxx0rs! so stay away from it!"

It's as simple as that. It's similar to saying that a map you made for a video game requires an expansion pack, or that a movie you made requires a specific codec.

And sorry to disapoint, but it's boxers... not panties.

I honestly dont give a flying love about their dumbass user agreement... if I had the authority, I would put out of business... and btw we all know that you wear panties. [;)] [lol]

Post September 18th, 2005, 10:22 pm

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From that post above me....

I stand by my last post...

Post September 18th, 2005, 10:22 pm
dac User avatar

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But no one seems to be answering the true question.....What does this topic truly accomplish?

Post September 18th, 2005, 10:28 pm

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Does it matter dac? And if this is truly jackfrahn, nice to see you around.

Either way, who cares? Does it really matter? They are powerless to inflict anything on this site, and vice versa. So yeah, I think it is time to let prima-donnas be prima-donnas and move on with life. Eventually, there comes a time when you have to admit that: "some people are really not as important as they think they are".

And for those that might take offense to this comment/thread and want to arise from the depths of "internet lurking" and comment, perhaps it is time to turn off your computer and go to bed.

Post September 18th, 2005, 10:43 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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Does it matter dac? And if this is truly jackfrahn, nice to see you around.

It is. don't worry[lol]

Post September 18th, 2005, 10:56 pm

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I only asked the question to make people think. I dont sense alot of thinking in this thread - no matter your position.

To answer the thread original question - I am 50/50. I dont love it, nor do I hate it. Why? Thats for myself to know. But I still frequent there and here alike.

But I find my question much more thought provoking. Thanks for actually noticing my question dac :)

Post September 18th, 2005, 11:01 pm
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Originally posted by WeeWeeSlap

Yes Edge, but people also don't like site with a bunch of 7 year olds swearing every second word and spamming the boards with absolute rubbish. The 1 liners are way out of control, over at my hosting company, we take no crap and give several warnings before we ban the crap out of them :P

Theres a balance you need to find.

hmmm hosting company banning their customers from the forum for posting one liners,,,, intelligent speak of a balance, but what is a balance to you, Mr. Mature, 100% all seriousnes no fun guy, may not be a balance for me, Mr. Fun loving, joking around dude. I like fun, you like math. I like to laugh, you like to uhmmmm frown? [lol] I don't care, your balance is not my balance nor the staff's balance. My site, I repeat my site is geared towards fun, not mathematical "geniouses" who can't stand heartful comments.

I like it best because it's the best site and has intelligent people on it unlike this one.

You made something unintelligent, as the saying goes "It is better to be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."
Mind you, there are intelligent people here banging traffic left, right, up, and down here. We are supreme. We draw the crowds and we have the people to get us there. Our staff and beloved members are just that cool. What's the point of being a sour tight ruler? We are like them, people enjoying the site and thus we enjoy the site this way and let them enjoy it as well. We are plain insane, ehll even getting people to ban someone for x days, that's crazy, unheard of at other sites and the victim, well enjoyed it, until he really got banned for the x days [lol] We change people's name at random and stuff, piff, we are loony, we are PSYCHOES!!!!1!11!1 [LOL] oH NOES!!! rUN i AM CURSING EVERY SECOND WORD!!!2213#@$#@!!@42345#647#%^*&536*%#%@#!%$%^#%^&^*$^&

Too long didn't read.

Post September 18th, 2005, 11:07 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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Like most topics, this topic accomplishes nothing, except something to pass the time with.....
Which brings us to my next point. CSer or WeeWeeSlappian, we're all losers, don't deny it![lol]


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