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Six Flags Darien Lake

Visited a theme park and have a wild time?!? Post your trip report here and tell us all about it!

Post September 24th, 2005, 10:27 pm

Posts: 10
Points on hand: 2,028.00 Points
Well today (Sept 24) was my birthday. Thank you thank you. And since I didn't get to ride any coasters this summer my parents let me take 2 friends to Six Flags Darien Lake. We got there at about 10:30-11:00 and it was so cold. It was also International Day so they had food vendors everywhere so that was a plus. This was the first time we'd ever been to the park this late in the season so we were quite pissed that they closed half of the park but when we got into the parking lot there was only about 50 cars so there was another plus. We got tons of rides in on everything when the max wait was 10 mins top for Predator front seat. And being how stupid they are there they have a bunch of good rides closed and then they got one of there log flumes open when all of the 70 people in the park are wearing sweaters. So I guess I could goto the ride reviews.

Mind Eraser: Closed

Boomerang: Closed

Viper: We ended up going on this 7 times because there was nobody in line that they let us stay on. It was running pretty slow and rough in the morning but at the end of the day it was going pretty fast with all 3 of us in the back cart. All I have to say is its a fun coaster to go on if you don't feel like waiting.

Predator: We only went on this hunk of crap 3 times and it also had the longest wait in the park which made no sense. It was extremely rough as usual and it got rougher and rougher through out the day so we said piss on this and ditched it.

Superman Ride of Steel: We went on this i'm pretty sure 8 times when it was a walk on all day. This was getting faster through out the day too. The best part of the day was getting my friend whojust got into coasters on it and he loved it so we kept going on. The back was amazing with mass airtime. But thats all I can basically say.

It was a pretty good day even with half the park closed but we made it happen so... Yup

Post September 24th, 2005, 10:34 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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at least they were only vokema clones. THe good rides that you go for were open, at least. And then you have all those flat rides.

Post September 24th, 2005, 10:55 pm

Posts: 10
Points on hand: 2,028.00 Points
Ya i've been on those two so much that it didn't matter so I didn't miss them but one ride I wanted to go on so bad was the twister and that was closed[:(]

Post September 25th, 2005, 12:33 am

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Gosh, so many rides on one of the best airtime coasters there is. I'm jealous [}:)].

Post September 25th, 2005, 12:41 am

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SROS @ SFDL is hardly one of the best airtime coasters there is. All the coasters at SFDL are crap... its my homepark and I haven't been there since the beginning of the season last year. Not planning on going back either until they get a new coaster which won't be for quite a while. Every single Six Flags park has gotten at least one new coaster since SROS was built in 1999, including La Ronde, Enchanted Village, and Great Escape.

Post September 25th, 2005, 12:51 am

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Ok I take my comment back. But SROS does have air nonetheless.

Post September 25th, 2005, 11:13 am

Posts: 10
Points on hand: 2,028.00 Points
But hey I would rather of gone there then not going any where this season.

Oh yeah is Geauga Lake good because next year we probaly gonna goto SFDL thne down to Geauga Lake then to Cedar Point

Post September 25th, 2005, 12:56 pm

Posts: 414
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SFDL is a fun park, you have to admit that. It is nice, and it may not be as extreme as the other parks, alot of people who go there will still have a fun time. The only thing I wish they would improve is their ride downtime. Last time I went, Boomerang, Scrambler, Ranger, Poland Springs Plunge, Bumper Cars, were all broken down. bvut there areo nly 6 rides I can think of that will make the park a very fun place that few parks have: a B&M stand up, a Frequent Faller, a Huss Booster, a Mondial Top Scan, a KMG Experience, and a Zamperla Revolution 32.

Post September 25th, 2005, 2:53 pm

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I'd probably add Intamin Rocket to that list as well as B&M flying or Floorless.

Post September 25th, 2005, 5:08 pm

Posts: 10
Points on hand: 2,028.00 Points
They should add any thing by B&M and it would make it a bit better and yes they need to have some of those flat rides and it would be great.

I also relised everytime I go I always go up on the ferris wheel and they have tons of room for expansion it seems because the parking lot behind mind eraser is always blocked off so they don't use it. Watch here comes Scream!

Post September 25th, 2005, 5:18 pm

Posts: 5852
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I highly doubt adding a big ride would improve the overall depressing nature of SFDL. The park in general needs a big kick in the rear end.

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