You might like this then, whilst I browsing the net for coaster pictures one night I came across a site that was demonstrating a new coaster style, what was interesting is that the pictures seem to have been created in NoLimits.
I don't know if they are fake or not, but you can see the pictures at my web site here. ... .php?t=196
If you don't see the pictures then you will need to setup an account (free) I can't remember if guests can look at picture attachments.
The things that make me think it's NoLimits are the supports and the Big Wheel in the middle picture and the station in the bottom picture, the supports look like the standard ones that come with Nolimits and the station looks like the one that comes as standard except for the raised floor under the track. The big wheel I think came with the CS Park Pack.
On my site I have just posted a picture of a NoLimits standard station for comparison.
Don't forget though we have seen fake pictures showing coasters in NoLimits that did not exist (spinning coaster style), or is this another pre-release manufacturers demo exclusive, just like Verkoma Motorbike and Euro Fighter releases.
Check it out and see.