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Post August 20th, 2003, 1:47 am

Posts: 305
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Location: Louisiana, USA

This is just an open Question! What does everyone feel is the easiest coaster to build in nolimits? That is in reference to G's and what ever else you feel. Wasn't sure where else to ask this ??? The forum section said any question's involving nolimits so I asked it here.[:D]

Post August 20th, 2003, 9:05 am

Posts: 436
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Location: Vuh geezy, VA, USA

For me the easiest coaster is the Intamin Giga/Hyper Coaster because its mostly airtime, i have made a new one, Blizzard, but i still have terraforming and an environment to make[:)] Also i think its the easiest is that i can think of a layout easily, when normally with coasters that can do inversions, i go crazy and the coaster ends up sucking.

Post August 20th, 2003, 10:59 am

Posts: 947
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hmmm i don't think hypers are the easiest, because they don't really allow inversions because of the lapbars. So it's quite hard to make a creative move, so I'd say the inverted 4 seat is the easiest. It is easy to smooth and has a cool ride experience.

Post August 20th, 2003, 1:00 pm

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Location: Tonawanda, NY, USA

The easiest IMO would be probably the corkscrew coaser because they're extremely easy to make smooth [:P]

Post August 20th, 2003, 6:39 pm

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G Force you certainly know that it is fully possible (but not done yet by intamin) to go upside down with lap bars. Ive been on 2 intamins and when stapled, you dont come out. The bars also come down into your lap and stomach, unlike B&M hypers where the restraint sits basically on your leg. (very awesome feeling) But not to start a totally different argument, a coaster with lap bars CAN go upside down. Theres more than a few out there in the world already. Its just intamin hasnt done them. They could, but most parks dont want to unless its a pretty failsafe idea because of insurance costs.

But I would personally also refute that hypers arent the easiest. Layout wise, they could be some of the harder, but if you know how to make parabolic hills, an airtime hyper isnt that hard to make.

Making correctly shaped and banked B&M inversions...thats a whole nother ball game there :\

Post August 20th, 2003, 7:21 pm

Posts: 4138
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Location: Tonawanda, NY, USA

Premier has a few coasters that have lapbars and have inversions, like Batman and Robin The Chiller (one of my favorite coasters) and there are a few other but I forgot them. The inversions are really fast on those coasters though so the lapbars are more than enough to keep you in your seat.

Post August 20th, 2003, 8:49 pm

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Thats what I juse wanted to add. If you maintain probably +1.5 or higher G's throughout the ride, lapbars are perfectly ok.

Look at how many Anton Schwartzkopf rides there were with just lap bars? In fact the story goes that a park wouldnt allow him to use that design with lap bars. He was so convinced that you were safe, that he flew the park lawyers/officials (whatever) to one of his other rides, had them get the car stuck upside down while he was in it. Never fell out. At any rate, if you maintain enough G's you would be perfectly ok. I think that limiting NL and what you can design by the track type is a little silly, always have. Example: You cant build loopers with Intamin track.

Post August 20th, 2003, 9:40 pm

Posts: 436
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Location: Vuh geezy, VA, USA

hmmm i don't think hypers are the easiest, because they don't really allow inversions because of the lapbars.
said by G Force Addict.

i didnt say they could even do inversions in the first place. i said:
with coasters that can do inversions

but B&M Hypers are fun to make. I tried making AP at Busch Gardens but it wudnt fit.

Post August 21st, 2003, 7:48 pm

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Location: Louisiana, USA

I have rode a few rides w/ inversions. but What I was getting at though is what is the easiest to get the best g's and so forth out of

Post August 21st, 2003, 9:07 pm

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That totally depends on your track design, not style.

Post August 21st, 2003, 9:45 pm

Posts: 305
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Location: Louisiana, USA

ok thanks, well my design is improving but its not up to being uploaded yet. I'm a firm beleiver in never releasing till you feel it is up to your own personal standards

Post August 21st, 2003, 10:11 pm
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B&M Floorless coasters are the easiest to control g's on, it does depend on track design as well, but B&M FLorrless coasters are easy to deal with g's in the game.

Post August 21st, 2003, 10:46 pm

Posts: 305
Points on hand: 1,968.00 Points
Location: Louisiana, USA

thanks, that is pretty much everything I was trying to figure out

Post August 22nd, 2003, 1:11 am

Posts: 34
Points on hand: 2,372.00 Points
Hypers or woodens.The hardest for me are inverteds.

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