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Fun Game!

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Post August 20th, 2003, 11:53 am

Posts: 436
Points on hand: 4,347.00 Points
Location: Vuh geezy, VA, USA

I found a fun game some time ago, before i was a member here. Runescape. its fun but there are some people that can betray you in it. its basically a RPG thats pretty fun. You dont really have any perpose but i am a blacksmith in that game. I make my own armour, etc. My bro got his account stolen by some punk sayin, do you want money, so change your password to freemoney. so he did and the guy took his accoutn, which was a good account. so if you do make an accoutn watch out for those kind of punks[:(!] I will be makin a new account on it though and if any of you are going to do the same post your SN in this topic and ill add you to my friends list and help you with the game when i can. I am still thinking of a new SN though and i will say when i think of it. well heres a link... and just click play game and you can make an account when it loads. there will be a popup before it loads so click yes. there isnt any virus crap on there so try it[:)]
Last edited by INS4N3_thefirst on August 20th, 2003, 11:54 am, edited 1 time in total.

Post August 20th, 2003, 4:33 pm

Posts: 40
Points on hand: 3,638.00 Points
Location: Netherlands
ive played runescape for 1 year till they changed it for cheater so they cant cheat anymore, they didnt screw the game up for just the cheaters but for also the non cheaters.
And fan sits are full of scammers, trojan senders, lamers, hackers and shiz.
I had a pure lvl 77 with 70 50 88

Post August 20th, 2003, 5:48 pm

Posts: 436
Points on hand: 4,347.00 Points
Location: Vuh geezy, VA, USA

you cud kick my ass in that game lol. i was only lvl 16 or so. but i was very good at making armour and had all black stuff(not gothic, just looks cool, like a black knight) I was part of the Black Arm Gang[:)]I went to the edge of the wilderness looking for useless shi* and survived but ill be startin over cuz my SN is dumb. but d3c3pt0r if you dont accept any crap from the users then your safe, right?

Post August 21st, 2003, 4:16 pm

Posts: 40
Points on hand: 3,638.00 Points
Location: Netherlands
Originally posted by INS4N3_thefirst

safe, right?

Ya, just dont download *cheats, macroes or toolkits, its all fake and got trojans/ keyloggers to steal your password

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