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Thorpe park fright nights 2005

Visited a theme park and have a wild time?!? Post your trip report here and tell us all about it!

Post October 31st, 2005, 1:30 pm

Posts: 3000
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Location: Lincoln, United Kingdom

Just got back from thorpe park fright nights. I actually visited the park yesterday, but stayed the night. Before going on with the trip report, a tip, to anyone who is planning on going to fright nights next year, you should try and get there on the first few days. It was packed yesterday, and i really wish i had got to go on the 21st. [xx(] oh well.

Right on with the trip report:

I had never been to thorpe park until yesterday (30th October 2005) and i have been looking forward to going for a while. As we pulled around the corner approaching the park something in sky caught my eye. STEALTH [:)] It didnt look very high for a 200 foot coaster, is the colour and lack of supports decieving me, or is it just that theres nothing to show how big a human is that far away. Anyway, at first i thought it looked smaller than i had expected.

Anyway, we collected our tickets and walked over the bridge into the actual park, and on into port atlantis. I had bought a fast track ticket aswell as i knewthe park was going to be busy later. I had a plan of action too, lol, i would go straight to colossus and get a ride on it, before going to ride nemmy inferno at my designated time on the FT ticket. Anyway while in the queue for colossus, it broke, as all rides seem to do when im in the queue. I waited thinking the ride would be fixed quickly, NOT GONNA HAPPEN!!!! [:(] Before i knew it it was time for my FT on nemesis inferno!

I walked under nemesis inferno, it looked like a fun ride, and approcahed the station, went into the FT queue which was empty, and got on within 5 mins. It went out the station and through the tunnel, fun, but thats all. Up the lift hill, first drop, twisty and a little force at the bottom, YAY. Loop good fun, zero G, not as fast i would have liked, corkscrew then corkscrew, taken quite fast, and then a couple of helixes. Really i had been hoping for more from nemesis inferno, it was a good ride, and very fun, but not as intense as i would have liked. I just kept thinking, hmmm what would i give to speed this up a little. Maybe im biased because i think thorpe were trying to make a success by using the nemesis name but HEY. [:p] It was still a good ride with good themeing, i wouldnt say no to another ride later! [:)] Heres some pics of nemesis inferno that i took for now:





after nemesis inferno i decided to ride detonator. I had heard so much about the airtime on it, i couldnt resist especially while it only had a 5 minute queue. [:)] Detonator was actually taller than i expected, BUT not a patch on cliffhanger at FL in height, would it be as good? Fabbri vs S&S, i know which one i had my money on! [:)] As we rose up on Detonator i felt weirdbecause i ended looking up at the ride infront of me. Looking up at another ride while on a drop tower sure did feel weird, but stealth was right therein all its glory [:D] It looked alot bigger now. Anyway as i watching i felt a click detonator had reached the top, the weird little girl started singing "Humpty dumpty sat on the wall" in an eerie voice, "Humpty dumpty had a great fall......." and WHOAH, we shot down ith alot more force than i had expected as it really didnt look to fall that fast. But it had some damn good airtime that lasted all the way to the bottom. Much better than nemesis inferno IMO [:D] Pictures of detonator i took:




Now i took the time to go and have a look at stealthy baby! [:p] As you approcah it it des seem to grow in front of you, it looked MUCH bigger from here than it did in the car park. People have being saying it looks small for a 200 foot high coaster, maybe it does, i dont know, but i thouht it looked quite big anyway. Actually it looks like it will be tallest coaster i will have ever been on when i ride it next year. [:)] The drop looks real nice, and so does the airtime hill. I also put my camera through the fence where you werent supposed to go to get some better pictures of the stealth station, but i wont upload them here. I also got 3 pictures of the tyre which will be the entrance. Anyway stealth pics i took:

This picture was taken so it had the nemesis Inferno track in. It was taken from quite a way away, and i kept the B&M track in it to give a perspective of how big it is.

It looks much smaller in this picture than it is.

I told you it looked like a nice drop. I hope i get back seat!

airtime hill compared to the top hat!!! This was taken from on the nemesis inferno volcano [:p]

This is my favourite photo of stealth which i took, as it shows its size better. Its nice to have a new coaster in the UK this big, i know size isnt everything, but its nice to have another large coaster apart from PMBO. Anyway i cant wait to ride this next year!

After looking at the stealth site, i went back over to colossus. It wasnt working very well yet, but it was my FT time, and i knew it would be working properly again soon. It had been down like an hour for only a small technical fault. It opened with both trains now running a few minutes later and i got on quite quick. No one has ever aid to me how good a ride colossus is! I loved this coaster. Nice firs drop, nice loop, alright airtime hill, but it hardly gave any airtime, nice cobra roll, then 2 real quick corkscrews missing nearby scenery, NICE. Anyway here comes the best part, those 4 inline twists where you fall out of your seat in every one were awesome. [:)][:)][:)] I loved it, and then the final one was really really close to the ground. This ride also had really awesome themeing and landscaping that really imrpoved the ride experience. Anyway i knew i wanted to ride this coaster in the dark, even though it would have a HUGE queue, and later i found out it did end up with a huge queue. [V] Anyway some pics of colossus taken by MOI also: [:)]

A good fast corkscrew tha dipped under the bridge

very fun first drop

One thing i loved about this ride was how it keeps dipping down under the pavement and around trees and over water. Nice themeing. [:)]

A photo of the first corkscrew when the ride had broken down and they kept testing it.

X: No way out here, MEH, crap really. [xx(]

Anyway, after X no way out i approached slammer which looked really good. I didnt think it would be very fast, or would have very much force, how wrong could i be???? [:D] This ride actual made me nervous, as i really didnt know what to expect. And its actually much bigger than i thought. When the car swings right over at the top it is quite a bit taller than colossus and i think the back seats on slammer must reach about 120 foot. Anyway i boarded slammer and put on the unique restraints, which feel secure yet vulnerable somehow. Maybe i felt a little vulnrable because i was on the very edge? I dont know. But the whole platform began to rise, and after a couple of seconds at the top, my side began to go up first. We ended up staring right at the ground from quite high up, and its a very weird feeling when the car carries on going over and tips you all the way upside down and instead of pulling out it ficks you all the way underneath. The ride picked up more speed than i expected and it fel awesome. [:D] Then we stopped and swung back the other way, YAY. Again it started off rotating slow but picked up alot more speed than i thought it would. There was also alot more force, and you really felt yourself being pulled out of your seat. [:D] Really really good ride, and it was actually the ride that was having the most impact on everyone. It was like the ride everyone was building up to, like when you got talking in queues of different rides people would ask if you had been on that one, and would say it looks really scary. I like rides that look intimidating in person, it makes it even more enjoyable, and more nerve racking. [:)] heres some photos i took:

My dad took this photo of the ride. See all them people upside down, YAY.

This is my favourite photo of the ride that i took. Its also of my favourite bit where you are right at the top staring at the ground.

After slammer i had some dinner, it was getting to be about 3 O'clock in the afternoon and the park was filling up real quick now. After themost disgusting burger king meal ever i went to samurai, the mondial topscan. Apparently i choose the wrong rides to rid eafter dinner. [:p] I had been looking forward to this ride aswell as they look so good. I ended up having plenty of time to watch the ride though, as i was queueing for over an hour! When i got on samurai it was getting dark and they had put it on a little more intense setting. It swung around a bit slowly to start off with while the seats flicked all the way over at the top, then it piucked up a little speed, but not how i wanted it to be. I really wanted it to go faster and flick around more, but hey. Samurai wasnt as good as i had hoped. It was still a really fun ride though and quite disorientating in parts, i liked it when you were just in the right position for your car to kind of hang upside dow for a second or two while spinning and then it would flick over. [:)] I would have gone on this again later, as they put it on a better setting when it got really dark. I have a video of the better setting in the dark, it will be in the thorpe vid. [:D] I got one pic of samurai from the colossus queue:

Looks weird with the lights on and all. [^]

Now i decided to get in the queue for colossus for my ride in the dark. YAY. But it broke down again for a while. Then they got it back working but we still ended up queueing for quite a bit over 2 hours. It was past 6 when i actually got on which meant i had been on 2 rides in 3 hours. [xx(] The park was heaving now, people had come to ride in the dark, and go in the mazes. Anyway my ride on colossus in the dak was awesome, it felt really fast in the dark and with all the scenery and eerie lighting it was so good. [:)][:)][:)]

After another ride on slammer which took a while, and collected some video for this site it was past 7. I was going to queue for Rush which i couldnt be bothered with earlier. A 60 minute + queue for a swing, even if its a huge one, NO WAY. [:(!] I wanted my rides on slammer. [:p]

Anyway my parents were knackered for some reason [:p] and not that long after we ended up leaving because the park was so packed and i wouldnt get another ride on anything let alone a trip through one of the mazes. People were queueing up for 2 hours to get into the asylum. [?][xx(]

Anyway a very busy, but a very good day. I got lots of video, and will make a vid for the site. [:D]

EDIT: I almost forgot, STEALTH IN THE DARK TCH. [:p] It looked really nice and weird in the dark. You just occaisonally saw a piece of track disappear, and one appear in another place, all glowing in either blue pink or green. Heres a pic:

The peaks there glowing. And also the climb and the drop are there, SOMEWHERE. [:p]


EDIT AGAIN: I also forgot vortex [lol] Oh well. [:p] Sorry i wrote an essay btw.
Last edited by jpecool on October 31st, 2005, 2:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post October 31st, 2005, 4:23 pm
gouldy User avatar
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Sounds like a great day [:)]. How awsome does Stealth look there, seriously .... wow [lol]

Post October 31st, 2005, 4:34 pm

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Sounds like you had a great time there. thanks for teh report.

Post October 31st, 2005, 4:42 pm

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stealth definatly doesnt look like 200 ft but the same with SheiKra it didnt look big for 200 ft and when i was on it the drop didnt feel like anything it was not very intence as i hoped well anyways, Sounsd like you had fun.

Post October 31st, 2005, 4:52 pm

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Just imaginehow big ritas track is gouldy, then look at the last stealth picture i took in the day! YAY!

Coasterkrazy, it actually depends where you are if it looks 200 foot or not. From Near colossus on the other side of the park it still dwarfs everything, and from right next to it it looks very big compared to any other ride ive been on or seen (apart from maybe cliffhanger at FL).

Post October 31st, 2005, 4:56 pm

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same with SROS at SFNE yesturday, looked small from enterance, in line-it was a monster!

Post October 31st, 2005, 5:08 pm

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awesome. Shame this ride doesnt have a line yet! I cant wait till next year when we get to ride it! [:D] Awesome.

Post October 31st, 2005, 7:31 pm

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Ive started on the video now. [:D][:D]

EDIT: Okay just asking whether i should have more footage of Rush, or more footage of slammer in the vid? The footage of rush is in the dark and isnt that good, where as slammer is in the day time and i have the whole cycle twice on video. [:D]

Post November 1st, 2005, 7:21 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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sweet pics, also, I'm glad you made it in, on the site it said it was sold out, and people who hadn't pre-ordered tickets wouldn't be let in.

Post November 2nd, 2005, 9:28 am

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Location: Lincoln, United Kingdom

I pre ordered so i was okay. Im telling you though it was packed. I think capacity at thorpe is nearly 16000 people, and its only a tiny park.

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