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SFNE/Jakizles 100th/10-30-05

Visited a theme park and have a wild time?!? Post your trip report here and tell us all about it!

Post October 31st, 2005, 4:54 pm

Posts: 5367
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Location: San Antonio, Texas, USA

OOOk today was the last full day of SFNE operating, and my bday just passed, so i got the parents to take me to SFNE. my first ever trip there. Let me say, the park was great, with Outstanding Frightfest themeing. But in the new england area we have had downpour lately, so the park was packed. We talked to a lady that lives in Springfield, and she said this was the crowdest shes ever seen the park. In total, from 12 to 7, i got on 7 rides/ and average of 1 ride and hour. I really enjoyed my time and the park, so i hope to go back in the spring during school, when the crowds are down. I took my camera, but to my dissapointment, it only had 2 pics left on the memory stick. I should of planned, but i forgot all about it. I took one pic for ya though, to show taht i was there. It was of Mr. Six, because it was one of the obnly rides with lights on.I plan to take way more pics on my spring visit.

Heres how my day at the park went.

At home, we printed off Dunkin Donuts tickets, which were on sale for $31.99. We got mapquest directions, and head off for the 120 mile trip. The park opened at 12, so we left at 10.The park is kinda hidden in agawam on a little one lane each way road. You came around a corner, and wham! Colossus and Tomahawk(frispee) were right there. You park on the other side of the park, and walk about a third of a mile to the enterance. We got out or tickets, and getting in was easy.We walked in at 12:15 p.m. Right at the enterance was a merry go round. But i was there for the coasters, so i ofcourse skipped it. Infact, i only rode one ground ride. Along the main road they had a ton of theming, including blood pools and grave yards, ect. The main street area got really cramped, and ran into a intersection with three choices. Straight to DC superheros, left to Crackaxle canyon, or right, to batman/area 52/waterpark. Right at the Intersection, was thunderbolt. The classic sign was great, but the line was completely filled and spilling out.
Thunderbolt sign:

I knew all the lines would be packed, so i ran over to Superman: ROS right away.

I ran to DC superhero land, and the theming was pretty good.This pic i found was taken from the exxit of thunderbolt.

I got to theline, and the ride op suggested getting on right away. We did, and were we glad. In the stations there are about 6 switch backs, which were filled, and then the first set of switch backs outside the station. AS we got on, the seconbd and third switchbacks were filled. I watched the ride go around the twisted sections as i braced myself for my 100th coaster. Yes, i had exactly 99 before heading into this park. The wait was only about 30 minutes, and i walked into the station. The line for the frotn was completely filled, and i had limited time at the park, si i skipped it. SFNE mantains the line before you go into the station though, so there was only abbout ine train already in there. Knowing the front was off, i amediatly jumped in to the back row line. My bro went with me, and my mom jumped into the next to last car. But ppl ahead of us(only 2) asked us to skip them so we could go on the next train. I obviously agreed, and here it was, my 100th ride, and on SROS. I got in the train, and left an inch between myself and the lap bar. Glad i did go in the back, for the airtime was immense, and this was my only ride. It clicked up the lift, and all i could see was the Conneticut river down below. We reached the top, and i was so exited.You couldnt even see the bottom! The 75 degree banked drop was awesome, and at the bottom we reached speeds of 77mph going through the tunnel. I was thrown for some floater airtime, also, when the front of the train pulled us over the lift. The second hill was really smooth, and provided for some great floter time as well.Next we were carried into the turnaround, banked at 120 degrees. It wasnt that tall, and the speed through it was great. It angled us at 45 to the second hill, and we took a sharp left turn and a little dip to meet the terrain. Next followed up with two great airtime hills, once again, all floaters. The ride was already great, and next was the twisted section. The rise banked to the left and we reached the top pretty fast. There was a little ejector air, but not much. We were whipped around the "diving helix" and back up to another switch direction hill. There was no airtime on this hill, but it was fun going left to right. The next helix was my favorite. It was flat, and the g's were amazing. The ride had great speed, and i really liked it. The transition between flat helix and tunnel provided great airtime, and a good view of batman and Mind ERaser. The tunnel was fast, and i noticed that at night red lights were on. The three next hill tops all provided great ejector air. It wasnt extreme, but had the right amount of speed to provide a nice ride throught the two bunny hills after the rise from the second tunnel. The sharp turn after the hills, was pretty intense, and I really enjoyed the ride, my 100th coaster. I think its the best coaster i have ever been on, and its just outta this world. I say, 10/10!
Here are some of the pics from rcdb! Wait:30 mintes

Second hill and turnaround
First drop and surrounding area
The awesome twisted section

Om going to continue this now, I just want to let ppl read so far and let me know if you like my reviews.

Happy Holloween. NExt is Poison ivy and Mr six and so on!

Post October 31st, 2005, 4:58 pm

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Location: Monroeville, PA, USA

Post October 31st, 2005, 4:59 pm

Posts: 5367
Points on hand: 1,916.00 Points
Location: San Antonio, Texas, USA

ok, next i will be writing below, so ppl can read above!

Post October 31st, 2005, 5:19 pm

Posts: 5367
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Location: San Antonio, Texas, USA

Ok, sice i was of Superman, I decided to go over and check out poison ivy, why the heck not? I got in the back(walk on) caus ei fugured it would be pulled over the hills. It was kinda funny cause this lady goes, "Yay, i could but my hands up all the way around on this ride!" But hey, i liked it, just because it was ling, and a kiddie coaster with airtime!!!! Overall: 3/10

Next, we headed over to the Mr.Six side of the park. We got there and the line was completely filled. I was like, WTF? But we waited anyways, in the sun for an hour and 35 minutes. But actaully, the ride was quite fun. The free spinning was a great feature onthe main twho helixes, and it was alot of fun on the three bunny hops at the end. I would of ridden again , but the ride ops were sooo slow. BEsides, we (bor and me) rode with a 600 pound gorilla, so we spun to the left side where he was sitting like crazy. Overall 7/10

Since we were in this section, we decided to hit up Cyclone. It was 3:30 after mr six, so i thought we could squeeze it in. The line waqs about 40 minutes, and we jumped into the second car. This thing was rough. I noticed in the Que that pieces of supports were unattached. The best part of the ride was the best.It went up and then droped maybe 30-40 feet, whipped sharp arounds at about 70 degrees, and then droped into the large figure 8. It went unde the lift, and up again. as it turned 180 degrees, there was little drops and rises. It reached the end, and plunged by the station. It rused again above the first drop area, turned around it, once again going up and down, and dropped under the lift opposite dirrection of the second drop. It went under the third big drop and down and around that section of the big 8. It then hit about 3 big bunnys and back around to the station. It was intense, and the fourht rise next to the second drop after the flyby gave extreme ejector air. But hey, its and old woodie ya know. Overall- 7/10

ONce again, im posting, and will continue more!!

Post October 31st, 2005, 5:35 pm

Posts: 5367
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Location: San Antonio, Texas, USA

Post October 31st, 2005, 5:37 pm

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Post October 31st, 2005, 5:45 pm

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Location: Lincoln, United Kingdom

Dude how can you give that kiddy ride a 3, and yet you only give Cyclone one of William Cobbs best most insane rides a 5!!!!!!!!!!!! "Its an outrage, its a scandal" in the words of whoever said them in a film once.

Post October 31st, 2005, 6:01 pm

Posts: 5367
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Location: San Antonio, Texas, USA

HAve you been one it? It hurt my leg! But if i put 5, i guess thats a little low, maybe a 7 cause of those insane turns at so high, my mistake
But personaly, i enjoyed thunderbolt better-more to come

Post October 31st, 2005, 6:25 pm

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Location: Lincoln, United Kingdom

No i havent been on it, i just know that one of William Cobbs most famous rides cant be only 2 points higher than, than, THAT! [lol]

Post October 31st, 2005, 7:14 pm

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What!?! Floater airtime throughout SROS??? I'm really surprised, as Superman has some of the most intense ejector airtime in the world, and that's not just opinion...there's a g-force graph on The train must have been going way slower than usual or something because of the cold, since otherwise you'd have gotten huge air. Also, the front on Superman is so much better than the back IMO, because, unlike most hypers, it has much stronger and more sustained airtime. Plus you get the view and all the wind, and a smoother ride. Whatever, just consider riding front or second row if you get to go won't be disappointed. I'm glad you enjoyed your ride though.

Post October 31st, 2005, 7:26 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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What!?! Floater airtime throughout SROS??? I'm really surprised, as Superman has some of the most intense ejector airtime in the world, and that's not just opinion...

Yeah, I was surprised to since most of the hills have between -.8 - -1.1 g's of air time.

Post October 31st, 2005, 9:12 pm

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Location: San Antonio, Texas, USA

well i guess it could depend on where your sitting, but in the back i really felt floaters. Other than the last two bunny hops i never felt like i was being shot out of my seat. But the air I did get was amazing, and i really enjoyed the ride. You know its good because my mom never go's on rides and I got her to go and she loved it, LOL. Ill definately try the front when its warmer, a different experience i bet. Plus, the mist will be on, yesturday might have smacked right into a ice wall. But it was my 100th ride so i might not have fully been paying attention, i just know i was floating over the hills

sorry about the report, ill finish after school 2morrow, gotta trick or treat(finish) and sleep. Still got two great rides to go + a groundy

Post October 31st, 2005, 10:46 pm

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Originally posted by dcs221

What!?! Floater airtime throughout SROS??? I'm really surprised, as Superman has some of the most intense ejector airtime in the world, and that's not just opinion...there's a g-force graph on The train must have been going way slower than usual or something because of the cold, since otherwise you'd have gotten huge air. Also, the front on Superman is so much better than the back IMO, because, unlike most hypers, it has much stronger and more sustained airtime. Plus you get the view and all the wind, and a smoother ride. Whatever, just consider riding front or second row if you get to go won't be disappointed. I'm glad you enjoyed your ride though.

colder=faster--less friction

any who

sounds like you had a great day

Post November 1st, 2005, 8:22 am

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Location: San Antonio, Texas, USA

except for the fact i had to wait atleast 45 minutes for most rides(excluding poison ivy and double trbl)
But like i said i still have to report on batman and thunderbolt
I liked thunderbolt better than CYclone
I didnt ride MindEraser and Flashback cause ive been on serial thriller and ME at SFA. Besides, who would wate 2 hours for a SLC???? It had the second longest wait in the park

Also, I think BAtmans line was so long when i got to it because it was closed at 12 and didnt open until 3 pm. So ill write about the rest after school!

Post November 1st, 2005, 5:46 pm

Posts: 5367
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Location: San Antonio, Texas, USA

OOOK heres the rest of my day

After the ride on Cyclone, It was 4 o clock. Ive been on a boomerang before, so i skipped FLashback. Besides, the wait was like an hour. There was a hitmantist show from 4 to 5, so my mom headed over to it in area 51. My brother and I headed over to Thunderbolt. The Q was still full, but since our mom was gone till 5 we decided to wait. To My surprise, the line moved rather quickly. Also, only 1 train was running. We got inline at 420, and at 450 we got onboard. They let 24 people from line go get in a row at once. We were numbers 19 and 20, so the back and frotn were taken. I saw the front row of the second car empty, so I hopped in. The prelift are was a wide 180 and it took a little dip before the lift. We were even with the lift, and i noticed it was sideways, lol. I was like o great, this is gunna be rough! AT the top we took another 180, and the ride was off. The bottom of the drop banked and turned slightly left at the bottom, and rose to the top. The next 180 was pretty slow, but the rest were fast. The double dip provided little airtime ofr us but i bet the back was awesome. Then next turn was about a 270 and we got across the first drop. The hill above it gave great airtime, and the next 270 was taken pretty fast. Then the next hill came up. It gave HUGE ejector air. Guys, be careful ;) lol. WE let our seatbelt hang loose and the lap bar only came down evven with the train at a right angle, so we were sprung outta our seats pretty good. The next 180 was taken furiously fast, and then there was alittle dip before the station. The ride seemed to get faster as it went, and had plenty of speed killed at the end. I really enjoyed this alot, and i give it a 7.5/10

After our ride on the classic Thunderbolt, weve been in the park 5 hours and ridden 5 rides. We met upw ith our mom at area 51, and headed over to see if Batman was running. We also saw the double trouble with no wait, so we went on it. It was pretty fun hanging upside down, but it was pretty ancient(made scary noices, i mean creaks)

It was 520 when we got off, so we headed to Batman. The sign said there was a two hour wait, so we went anyways. We started before all the switchback were(about 12). By 5 minutes we started the swithbacks. They are located behind the extra train storage. The line had all the batman characters along the sides, with the batman tune playing. By an hour, we were finishing the switchbacks. Next, a long path went pack up to the station and up a big set of stairs. AFter waiting an hour and a half, we reached the top. They did the same thing as thundebolt, and eneded up as the not going on the first train. We were the first tow(me n bro) to be held up. I was thinking we were going to get the front. But they let one fastlane group get on, so we sat in the second row. The first drop was awesome, and i even got some little air going down it. The loop was smooth. Now the dive loop ont his ride was way different from what ive ever seen. It was shapped differently, but it was amazing!!! It was my favorite inversion ive been on. It felt way better than the diver on Scream at SFMM. Plus ut was awesome flying over the exit at night.(it was now 7 when we rode) The helix through the loop was banked nicely and was pretty fast. The zero g was pretty good and fast, but there wasnt much air. Superman Krypton COaster offered a tpn of air on its zero g. The turn after the zero g was sharp and fast. It led right into a tight set of interlocking corkscrews that were great. Overall, this "mini floorless" offered a great night ride, and I loved it. It was my 105th coaster, but broke into my top 10 at number 10. Loved the dive loop, and the ride kicked ass. 8.5/10, just needed to be longer.

We got off at 715, and mom was waiting with food. We scarfed it down, and were told we were going a 8. We went to check out supermans line, but it was 2and a half hours long. No go for us. SO we just waled around and checked out firght fest for 30 minutes. It was well themed, and there was ppl everywhere scaring ppl. WE wanted to check out TErravisions, but a 2 hour line. ALso, the lines for Nightmare Island and Trail OF Terror were immense. It was 8, so we headed home. I slept in the car, and we made it back by 945. It was a great day, even though we rode 6 coasters in 8 hours. Owell, atleast they were outstanding rides IMO. (everyone knows SROS thoguh lol)

I plan to go back in spring, without crowds and possibly making a vid. Sunday was just to chaotic. Thanks for reading!!!!!


Post November 10th, 2005, 6:31 pm

Posts: 1612
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Location: Devon, UK
Excellent. Nothing worse that a park tht busy tho at least you had fun!!!!!!!!!

P.s. read my Terra Mitica report wen u got time.

Post November 10th, 2005, 7:08 pm

Posts: 5367
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Location: San Antonio, Texas, USA

yes ECG, i read it didnt i comment? sounds like you had a great day to!

Post November 13th, 2005, 4:10 pm

Posts: 1612
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Location: Devon, UK

Post November 20th, 2005, 2:32 pm

Posts: 5367
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Location: San Antonio, Texas, USA

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