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Just a note for some of you...

Here, anything goes. Talk about anything that you would like to talk about!

Post October 30th, 2005, 9:14 pm

Posts: 5286
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Pump dont start this again. You dont have to take ever opportunity to display your disgust for CS. We allll know how much you hate it.

Its not our fault you cant coexist peacefully over there. Theres many, many people who do. Those of us who do outweigh those who dont. This isnt a bashing thread. I actually would think you despise it so much that you wouldnt even bother reading these topics.

Post October 30th, 2005, 9:53 pm

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One thing, it IS nice to be on a site like CS where the people who talk are not dumbasses and have good grammer. Here, I can't count on my fingers how many people make these forums suck. Overall, WWS/CC is better, but CS has the better people. Thats one thing that having the 15+ age limit did for them, less smartasses and annoyances. Thats my 2 cents.

Post October 30th, 2005, 9:55 pm

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Just stop fueling the fires. Geesh, for members who have stated many times they would never go back there is certainly a lot of information sharing and well, fanning the flames going on.

... and if you are wondering if this applies to you, yes it does. Image

Post October 30th, 2005, 10:06 pm

Posts: 2864
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It's good that they're showing some amnesty over there, we should all show some imo.

Edge, I think there's more than 3, Hottie14 had more than 3 different accounts, but in terms of people, I think 3 is pretty accurate.

Post October 31st, 2005, 9:26 pm

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I can really care less actually cause instead of really uptight members there will be new members being all "XXOMGGASHA THATS A KEWL RIDE IM GOING TO RATE IT A 10/10!!XXOMGXXKEWL"

Post October 31st, 2005, 10:17 pm

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Coaster sims is the most retarded site on Earth. It's been about a year since my last visit.

Post October 31st, 2005, 10:54 pm

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Ok ok...this was more of a news topic, not what you think of CS.

Post November 1st, 2005, 3:33 am
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Originally posted by jimths08

One thing, it IS nice to be on a site like CS where the people who talk are not dumbasses and have good grammer. Here, I can't count on my fingers how many people make these forums suck. Overall, WWS/CC is better, but CS has the better people. Thats one thing that having the 15+ age limit did for them, less smartasses and annoyances. Thats my 2 cents.

I like laughing at the dumbasses that show up here [:)] I like some trouble to go, the world's not a perfect society where everyone coexists peacefully so I like keeping it real. People want to act stupid, go ahead, people want to cuss each other go ahead [lol] We do have our limits, but they're overly extended. Spammers, well, once we get tired of them, we make sure to straighten them up and even reform some of them. [lol] It's an interesting process, we have alot of work as staff but meh, it gets done and get a kick to see sillyness occuring on the forum, else it'd be a dull place with just intellectual chats, which isn't bad, but does get boring. Let loose and have fun is my view. I act mature when it needs and silly when not needed and can be annoying as well. It's the process of life and thou shall triumph if you allow to be exposed to all stuff the world has to offer, except drugs, those are bad. Kids, don't do drugs. to start random drug testing starting today so get your pee samples ready and mail them to the edge, hell smell them for illicit drugs [lol] Well, I've gone off the clock here into something else and uhmm time for dinner at 11:40 p.m. So tada and muhahaha. HAPPY HALLOWEEN! whatever is left of it. and uhmm don't think egging my house is fun, cuz it might be for a minute, but when caught you're busted. Like two kids today egged my house after giving them a good amount of candy. So we shot them up with a paint gun whilst still on our lawn, then dragged them back to the house after they tried running and made them clean the mess with their costumes. It was hilarious, afterwards the neighbors egged them, even though I don't get along with them so fun fun fun. Blah goodnight!


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