Originally posted by jimths08If you do the fog on your own, just make a square panel and make incriments of 10% so you end up with 10 different panels each with its own transparenceness. The insert them going from 10%-100% in the entrance and 10%-100% at the exit. Works well and looks nice.
Luftmaschine has a simple, primitive version of what I'm talking about.
Meh, what I do is I stuff the polys together (shape varies if it's in part of a tunnel above ground), but each has the same material, I'm not sure how much translucency to use as it will vary depending on how much polys you use.
And here's a tip, use your modeler to do it, you can copy and paste it over and over, and if your modeler has placement features, you can use those too. Also, make sure the polys are single sided, you don't want to waste resources.