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Animated GIFs in NL??

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Post November 10th, 2005, 12:29 pm

Posts: 124
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Location: Stockbridge, Hampshire, United Kingdom
Hi there does any know or have tried to texture a 3d obo with an animated GIF texture? I know you can use JPG.s BMP.s etc to create a static image texture but how about an animated one? I have just aquired a GIF animator at work for a website build but haven't tried it with my object creator AC3D yet. If this idea works I wonder if it would slow NL down?? we could add animated scrolling banners for our stations etc.. hmmm.

Post November 10th, 2005, 1:17 pm
hyyyper User avatar
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Post November 10th, 2005, 1:55 pm
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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Nope Coasterkarl, that ain't possible. I've tried stuff like that but it doesn't work. The theory of that it might work was ok but In real it doesn't work...

Post November 10th, 2005, 2:47 pm

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you can do very simple animations like laser blasts or lights turning on and off with a paneling effect, and a movie screen effect by displaying the progression of frames and stretching them in sequence across the track, but full-blown GIF animations don't work.

Post November 10th, 2005, 2:57 pm
hyyyper User avatar
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Originally posted by cjd

you can do very simple animations like laser blasts or lights turning on and off with a paneling effect, and a movie screen effect by displaying the progression of frames and stretching them in sequence across the track, but full-blown GIF animations don't work.

i recall you doing this with a starwars coaster...was that binned or something?

Post November 10th, 2005, 3:14 pm

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binned? nope. I just don't really have anything worth showing off yet. BTW, the panneling and does work to some extent. It just takes an ungodly amount of time to do right, so I don't reccomend trying it unless you really know what you are doing. I'll just say that coaster design would be made much more interesting if you could do GIF animations. (A suggestion, Ole?)

Post November 11th, 2005, 6:17 am

Posts: 124
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Location: Stockbridge, Hampshire, United Kingdom
Yeah I see what you mean, a simple gif which just alternates between 2 images may be possible, (lights on a console or different track cams/monitors) may work, but a more complicated gif, a fade effect for example would require too many frames. I'll try something simple out to see what happens to NL sim when it runs.

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