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How to be photographed on a coaster...? [GAME]

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Post November 12th, 2005, 3:37 am
hyyyper User avatar
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I saw this over at the forum and thought i might introduce it here...:

the concept is simple, says it all, let's see if we can get 500, here are the first 10

001. Smiling
002. Sleeping
003. Leaning backwards (because of imaginary high accel G's)
004. Leaning sideways (head not on the picture)
005. Checking the front wheels
006. Screaming
007. Puking on your shirt
008. Puking on the person next to you's shirt
009. Holding on very thight, frightend
010. Tongue hanging out your mouth because of the speed
011. Picking your nose
012. Picking the person next to you's nose
013. Hands Up
014. Looking mad if it's an SLC
015. Eyes crossed
016. Bewildered
017. Kissing you the person next to you
018. Blowing your nose
019. Stern
020. Staring at the floor of the train
021. Reading the park map
022. Looking bored
023. Taking photos
024. Making a pov
025. Smoking
026. Reading a book
027. Wearing a helmet (on vekomas only)
028. Yawning
029. Coking the person next to you
030. Puking on the camera
031. Stick your hand down your pants
032. Flash the camera
033. Strike a pose
034. Look stupid
035. Punch the person next to you in the face
036. Flip off the camera
037. Were a mask
038. Stick your hand in your mouth
039. Look like your beating yourself up
040. Hold up a sign that says "this ride sucks"
041. Nude
042. Topless
043. Wriggling Free Of The Restraints
044. Unconcious
045. Orgasmic faces
046. Sit next to Micheal Jackson dont if ure under 15 trust me!!! haha
047. Hold a sign saying 'i have a bomb'
048. Tie a real live cat around your head stand up slap on iron maiden and start head banging.
049. Asleep
050. With your face painted
051. Ride facing backwards when its not a backwards ride (shockwave at Drayton Manor, has anyone else tried this?)
052. Playing truth or dare
053. Playing cards
054. Eating a salad
055. Without your restraints done up (although you wouldnt live to see the picture)
056. Pissed out your head
057. Drinking a shitmix
058. Blind folded
059. Pink and fluffy handcuffed
060. Ironing your pants
061. Pouring a cocktail
062. Playing a gameboy
063. Break dancing
064. Having a seizure
065. Taking a picture of the camera
066. Stick a banana in your ear
067. Spiting at the camera
068. Ducking out of the picture and pointing at the person next to you!
069. Drinking and giving a beer to your neighbor!lol!
070. With your head under yor shirt
071. Spontaneously combusting
072. With a bikini on(man)
073. In a costum
074. Dressed as a girl
075. Bitting your nails
076. Taking your shoes off
077. With a bird crapping on your head
078. Killing a goose with your head
079: Blow drying hair
080: Rodeo clown
081: Listening to iPod
082: Eating a churro
083: Doing the Hokey Pokey
084: Doing the Charleston
085: Signing a fake Declaration of Independence
086: Cleaning out earwax
087: With a sledgehammer
088: Throwing a bottle
089: Pointing laser pointer at air planes
090: Doing homework
091: Mixing a cocktail
092: Plucking a chicken
093: With a dog
094: Green eggs and ham
095: With a naked mole rat
096. Talking on a cell phone
097. Wearing a speedo
098. Wearing your birthday suit
099. Holding your last on ride photo
100. Sticking your hand down someone's pants
101. Having a bloody nose/fake blood
102. Reading a newspaper
103. Studying
104. Surfing the net (if you're brave enough to take your laptop on a coaster!)
105. Drawing
106. Writing a midterm essay
107. Switch clothes with the person next to you

Woodie Man
english coaster guy
Nemesis Junkie
Jimmy Joshi
Angry Gumball

EDIT: post #1900
Last edited by hyyyper on November 24th, 2005, 6:09 am, edited 1 time in total.

Post November 12th, 2005, 3:46 am

Posts: 3185
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11. Picking your nose
12. Picking the person next to you's nose
13. Hands Up
14. Looking mad if it's an SLC
15. Eyes crossed
16. Bewildered
17. Kissing you the person next to you
18. Blowing your nose
19. Stern
20. Staring at the floor of the train

There you go. 10 stupid things I think you could do.

Post November 12th, 2005, 4:40 am

Posts: 182
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21. reading the park map
22. looking bored
23. taking photos
24. making a pov
25. smoking
26. reading a book
27. wearing a helmet (on vekomas only)
28. yawning
29. coking the person next to you
30. puking on the camera

10 more stupid things :D

Post November 12th, 2005, 10:44 am

Posts: 666
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31. Stick your hand down your pants
32. flash the camera
33. strike a pose
34. look stupid
35. punch the person next to you in the face
36. flip off the camera
37. were a mask
38. stick your hand in your mouth
39. look like your beating yourself up
40. hold up a sign that says "this ride sucks"

edit: 10 more for ya[approve]

Post November 12th, 2005, 11:23 am

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Post November 13th, 2005, 9:38 am

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Wriggling Free Of The Restraints
Orgasmic faces

Post November 13th, 2005, 10:03 am

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Originally posted by Edge


haha, splash mountain flashers, a classic

Post November 13th, 2005, 10:21 am

Posts: 1612
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41. Sit next to Micheal Jackson[lol] dont if ure under 15 trust me!!! haha
42.Hold a sign saying 'i have a bomb'
43. Tie a real live cat around your head stand up slap on iron maiden and start head banging.

Post November 13th, 2005, 10:29 am

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with your face painted
ride facing backwards when its not a backwards ride (shockwave at Drayton Manor, has anyone else tried this?)
Playing truth or dare
Playing cards
Eating a salad
without your restraints done up (although you wouldnt live to see the picture)
Pissed out your head
Drinking a shitmix [:p]

Post November 13th, 2005, 10:51 am

Posts: 1612
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Location: Devon, UK
Shitmix lol jpe haha. And why a salad [lol][lol][lol][lol][lol]

Post November 13th, 2005, 11:00 am

Posts: 174
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blind folded
pink and fluffy handcuffed
ironing your pants
pouring a cocktail
playing a gameboy

heres a few i just thought of

Post November 13th, 2005, 11:05 am

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Break dancing
having a seizure
taking a picture of the camera.

That's all

Post November 13th, 2005, 11:29 am

Posts: 666
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Location: Louisville, KY, USA yep, woman flash their breasts on splash mountain alright........ lol, flash mountain

46. stick a banana in your ear [blah]

Post November 13th, 2005, 11:35 am

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Post November 13th, 2005, 11:39 am

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spiting at the camera
ducking out of the picture and pointing at the person next to you!
drinking and giving a beer to your neighbor!lol!

Post November 13th, 2005, 1:09 pm

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Location: United Kingdom

Originally posted by jpecool

ride facing backwards when its not a backwards ride (shockwave at Drayton Manor, has anyone else tried this?)

Do the ride ops let you do that? sounds like fun.

Post November 13th, 2005, 1:14 pm
hyyyper User avatar
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Originally posted by jpecool

without your restraints done up (although you wouldnt live to see the picture)

like you would live to get to the snap point [lol]

Post November 13th, 2005, 1:26 pm

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Originally posted by Wing-Over

Originally posted by jpecool

ride facing backwards when its not a backwards ride (shockwave at Drayton Manor, has anyone else tried this?)

Do the ride ops let you do that? sounds like fun.

Yeah they do. It isnt recommended apparently but its possible on the Intamin AG stand ups. [;)][:)] Ask next time when you are going on one. Only a handful of people actually get to do it i think though. But ive seen pictures of people riding shockwave backwards. I think it was on themeparkreview. Apparently its really painful though.

YAY drinking a shitmix has been added. What shall we have in it? Lets add a little vodka, a little coke, a little Red square, a little smirnoff, and some WKD to finish. [:p][lol] It would taste rank, not that you would get to taste it as it would go all over you and in your eyes, and you would be blinded. [xx(]And then you would have the cool glasses [8D][:O][:)]

Post November 13th, 2005, 1:29 pm
hyyyper User avatar
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Originally posted by jpecool

YAY drinking a shitmix has been added.

everything will be added, even spontaneous combusting has been added

Post November 13th, 2005, 3:35 pm

Posts: 1612
Points on hand: 2,603.00 Points
Location: Devon, UK
Yeah jpe, lets go Pina Colada with added Absenth and some Vetrano bring ure speedo's n some goggles while ure at it.[lol]

Post November 13th, 2005, 3:38 pm

Posts: 5367
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with a bikini on(man)
in a costum
dressed as a girl
bitting your nails
taking your shoes off
with a bird crapping on your head

just a few

Post November 24th, 2005, 1:28 am
jayman Premium Member
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um.. i er, I once performed a "scientific experiment" on collossus,
i discovered that from the top of the lift hill to the brakes is the same amount of time it takes to smoke a medium sized joint. that was a long time ago
i shouldn't even tell anybody that...whoops...

Post November 24th, 2005, 1:41 am

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Post November 24th, 2005, 2:08 am

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I'm not sure what number we're on. Probably 79.

79: Blow drying hair
80: Rodeo clown
81: Listening to iPod
82: Eating a churro
83: Doing the Hokey Pokey
84: Doing the Charleston
85: Signing a fake Declaration of Independence
86: Cleaning out earwax
87: With a sledgehammer
88: Throwing a bottle
89: Pointing laser pointer at air planes
90: Doing homework
91: Mixing a cocktail
92: Plucking a chicken
93: With a dog
94: Green eggs and ham
95: With a naked mole rat

Post November 24th, 2005, 2:14 am
jayman Premium Member
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Originally posted by Eric12

killing a goose with your head[:p]
[:D][:D][:D][:D][:D][:D][:D][:D]WINNER..... game over...winner...WE HAVE A WINNEr... how could we forget that... "i can't believe it's a bird in my eye"....hahahahahyaaaaaa


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