Bobcat is a project unlike any other I have attemped before. I set out to design a ride that perfectly suited my tastes in a great wooden coaster. In this I have successed. It has strong, sustained laterals, a straighforward high speed layout, and lots and lots of airtime. What sets this project apart if the amount of detail that's going to go into it. The ride will have a total of 349 bents, and every one will be built by hand. Only the catwalks have been done by the generator. It's going to take a least a month to do all of these, but the results I hope will blow away any "classic" style ride ever done in No Limits. It was not my intent to clone or copy the work of any classic designer, but rather to take my favorite habits of each and make a ride that just flat out rocks. Support work has not yet begun, but here are some stats and pictures of the track.
Type: Wooden
Trains: 3 bench PTC, 3 cars per train, 2 trains
Lift Height: 94ft
First Drop: 88ft at 54 degrees
Second Drop: 72ft at 61 degrees
Fourteenth Drop (Last): 64ft at 57 degrees into a small gulley
Total Hieght Spread: 122ft
Length: 3889ft
Vertical Forces: +4.0 to -1.5
Lateral Forces: Up to 1.8