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Post November 23rd, 2005, 9:56 pm
rcmaniac25 User avatar
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Post November 23rd, 2005, 10:05 pm

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got it. The beginning was pretty good, smoothing will make it way better. I could help you with that a lil. But the at the top of the first swithchback you seemed to lose the ride. The exit of it was jerky, and the next switchback was way to big for me, but could prolly be fixed easily. No offense, but the cork was pretty bad. Ask someone to help you with it. Im not good at inversions, so im not your guy for that. The fornt half was pretty good, just work on your second half

Post November 23rd, 2005, 10:09 pm
rcmaniac25 User avatar
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I have to agree with you on what you said. The first half is good but the second half stinks. I'm not good with inverisons or smoothing track, so help would be appreciated. I'll work on the second half and send it to you. Then you can tell me if I made it better or worse. By the way, what did you think of the supports?

Post November 23rd, 2005, 10:16 pm

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Post November 23rd, 2005, 10:33 pm
rcmaniac25 User avatar
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Sure. It should be in your inbox. But read the email. I'm working on the second switchback, and the corkscrew. Sorry.

Post November 23rd, 2005, 10:40 pm

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Post November 23rd, 2005, 10:45 pm
rcmaniac25 User avatar
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Like I said before, I'm still working on it. I probably did delete a vertice, I'm not sure what that is thou, but most likely by 11:00 PM Eastern Time. I'll have it done. Thanks for trying it. I'll send the updated version to you, as well as Jakizle.

The hard part about makeing this coaster is their isn't many photos, or videos(I don't think any are out) to build by. It's compact, which makes it hard to get the track all their and at the right element lengths , with survivable G-forces. And its fast paced, so you have to get the height of everything right, otherwise it gets too slow. Tell me if you agree or disagree.

Post November 23rd, 2005, 11:56 pm
rcmaniac25 User avatar
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I finished the update at the exact time I said I would. The corkscrew still sucks. But is better then the last one. The Switchbacks are more compact, maybe too compact. I sent them to CoAsTeRkRazY and Jakizle. So check your email. CoAsTeRkRazY look for the second email. I was stupid and forgot to sent the coaster in the first one. But I would like to know what you think, I'll post pictures on NLDC in the morning, but thats all I'm doing tonight. More testers are welcome as well.


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