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White Lightning --- BnM Looper!

The Hard Hat Area is the place to post construction news about your ride, so this is the place to hype your future upload!

Post November 23rd, 2005, 11:08 pm

Posts: 406
Points on hand: 895.00 Points
Location: Ontario, Canada

Just curious, could you explain how you go about making the dive loop. I've got most of the other inversions down pat, but the dive loop still gives me quite a bit of trouble.

Post November 24th, 2005, 10:39 am

Posts: 5852
Points on hand: 5,806.00 Points
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

^^I actually didn't really change the v-shaping of it, I did however shorten the distance between the two half corks which makes it appear as it I did.

^dive loop...hmm, I can't really explain what I did, but I used a formula that I got from Ish who got it from it is,
;Corkscrew - by Buster
radius = 12.2
tightness = 1.2
stretch = 1

x = sin[t * pi] * radius + t * Pi*radius * tightness
y = radius - cos[ pi * t] * radius
z = Pi * radius * stretch * t

^That is what I used to create the entrance and then I just made exit (half loop type thing) with the Hsak

Post November 24th, 2005, 11:55 am

Posts: 406
Points on hand: 895.00 Points
Location: Ontario, Canada

Thank you very much, this will come in quite useful in the furure.;)

Post November 24th, 2005, 12:05 pm

Posts: 5286
Points on hand: 3,059.00 Points
Location: USA
The mid section between the corks looks too banked. almost like the exit of the first cork and entrance to the second doesnt have much whip. Im not seeing that flat section but it could still ride nice.

Ive learned that much ;)

Post November 24th, 2005, 2:45 pm

Posts: 5852
Points on hand: 5,806.00 Points
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Post November 24th, 2005, 2:52 pm

Posts: 3018
Points on hand: 2,931.00 Points
Location: USA
looks good, when will it be posted? it looks really fun!

Post November 24th, 2005, 2:58 pm

Posts: 5852
Points on hand: 5,806.00 Points
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Do you still see that wierd transition thing you were mentioning earlier??

Post November 24th, 2005, 3:02 pm

Posts: 3018
Points on hand: 2,931.00 Points
Location: USA

Post November 24th, 2005, 3:09 pm

Posts: 3185
Points on hand: 3,780.00 Points
Location: USA
I've never noticed this before but those puple rails look very nice on this coaster. Certainly much better than silver IMO.

Post November 24th, 2005, 9:10 pm

Posts: 5852
Points on hand: 5,806.00 Points
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Post November 24th, 2005, 9:17 pm

Posts: 5367
Points on hand: 1,916.00 Points
Location: San Antonio, Texas, USA

looks better, that side pic clears things up. I need to learn elementary and all that formula stuff[lol]

Post November 24th, 2005, 9:26 pm

Posts: 5852
Points on hand: 5,806.00 Points
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Its really not all that hard..You just have to be able to think ahead about your transitions and stuff. Once you learn how to make hills with the HSAK formula its goes pretty easily from there.

The one thing that still bothers me about using Elementary is having a good amount of patience for constantly changing numbers to get something exactly the way I want it.

Post November 24th, 2005, 10:26 pm

Posts: 5367
Points on hand: 1,916.00 Points
Location: San Antonio, Texas, USA

FN, theres really no comments i have other than what i told oyu on AIM, so i find it useless to talk about it here. I cant wait to see the second half

Post November 25th, 2005, 10:11 am

Posts: 5852
Points on hand: 5,806.00 Points
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Post November 25th, 2005, 10:27 am

Posts: 3018
Points on hand: 2,931.00 Points
Location: USA
i know how you feel i started messing with it myself and i find it quite difficult

Post November 25th, 2005, 10:36 am

Posts: 5852
Points on hand: 5,806.00 Points
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Post November 25th, 2005, 10:47 am

Posts: 5367
Points on hand: 1,916.00 Points
Location: San Antonio, Texas, USA

well Fn just to see what would happen i pluged in that formula you posted and got this

Post November 25th, 2005, 10:51 am

Posts: 5852
Points on hand: 5,806.00 Points
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Yeah, that is what the entrance to my dive loop looked like before the AHG banked and heartlined it.

Post November 26th, 2005, 1:00 am

Posts: 1065
Points on hand: 111.00 Points
Location: Pot country, Tacoland, USA
I liked the ride. Its really smooth and it also is a nice little layout now finish it fast

Post November 26th, 2005, 1:15 pm

Posts: 5852
Points on hand: 5,806.00 Points
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Track up to the MCBR is complete!

New screenshots -

Screenshot of the crossovers -
I just realized that part^ is going to be a pain to support...:/ I wasn't even planning on having all those crossovers in one spot, it just sort of happened, [lol].
From that screenshot you might have also noticed that the station is gone. It is being moved as the helix into the MCBR went straight through it. I think it will be easier to just move the station rather than redue that entire section of track.

Post November 26th, 2005, 1:22 pm

Posts: 2864
Points on hand: 4,152.00 Points
Location: Monroeville, PA, USA

Post November 26th, 2005, 1:23 pm

Posts: 3018
Points on hand: 2,931.00 Points
Location: USA

Post November 26th, 2005, 1:28 pm

Posts: 5852
Points on hand: 5,806.00 Points
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I thought of one the other night but I can't remember it...

Post November 26th, 2005, 1:37 pm

Posts: 3018
Points on hand: 2,931.00 Points
Location: USA

Post November 26th, 2005, 1:46 pm

Posts: 891
Points on hand: 2,510.00 Points
Location: Highland, Illinois, USA

OOOOOOOO great.... [xx(]

Ok, I've got the perfect name! Coaster From The Site of NAME OBSSESION!!!


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