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Best Intamin Coaster

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Best Intamin Coaster

California Screamin
Expedition GeForce
Goliath WW
No votes
Kingda Ka
Millenium Force
Rita : Queen of Speed
No votes
Storm Runner
SROS sfne
SROS sfa or sfdl
No votes
Volcano the Blast Coaster
Thunder Dolphin
Total votes : 47

Post November 24th, 2005, 4:05 am

Posts: 3000
Points on hand: 3,283.00 Points
Location: Lincoln, United Kingdom

Ive only ridden 2 on that list, rita and colossus. Now neither will challenge for best, but i have to say that i thought rita was amazing, and colossus also surprised me. But they arent good enough all around. Rita is good because of its airtime, and 2 of the really high speed turns, colossus is amazing for its 4 inlines in a row where you drop out of your seat on each one. I nearly lost my camera to colossus when it was doing that.

Anyway, that was out of the ones i have been on. Out of all of them, im going to have to say EGF aswell. It just looks perfect. It really does look awesomely good. Then that would be followed by Millennium Force and SROS at SFNE, and then Kingda Ka because of its sheer height and speed. Im also thinking the new superman coaster at Movie world australia will be amazing if its paced right.

Post November 24th, 2005, 11:25 am

Posts: 418
Points on hand: 2,601.00 Points

Of the ones on that list, I'd have to say that my LEAST fave is Rita. Rode it about two months ago, and thought it sucked. I couldn't believe that Alton Towers would settle for such a lame ride. I also couldn't believe there were OTSRs on it!!! Come ON, with rides like the Supermen, EGF, Goliath, etc etc etc that are MUCH faster, MUCH longer, MUCH higher, and MUCH more intense running without shoulder bars, why on earth would they feel them needed for such a crappy little ride like Rita?

It actually could be sorta fun with some airtime, but those OTSRs just kill it. Not only do they make the airtime restricted, but they make the turns painful. Airtime and turns are ALL that Rita does!!! If you restrict both of those, you are left with nothing but the launch, and I can get that experience on much, much better coasters.

Post November 24th, 2005, 1:15 pm

Posts: 3153
Points on hand: 2,837.21 Points
Bank: 6,969.69 Points
minicoopertx...Yeah it's definately a preference thing. I think I'd like the blazing pacing through the turns over a slower pace with a little more sensations in it. I'd put 'em about even as far as setting goes, with SROS maybe being a little nicer because of that beautiful river running next to it. It's really amazing to see. I think the twisted hill after the first helix on SROS might be almost as good as the one on EGF, because first of all it has higher speed through it, and g's are some of the strongest on the ride (same strength as those on the third camelback) plus you look like you're going to fly straight into the woods. EGF's has more banking rotation on its twisted hill so that's probably insanely thrilling too. I don't know minicooper... I used to think that I'd like EGF better, but the added length, more hills, and tunnels make me think otherwise now. Also, I don't like that EGF hardly ever gets close to the ground, whereas SROS has that ground hugging turn after the overbank, the second helix, and the final turn, almost all drops go almost all the way to the ground, plus you have the tunnels too. Overall it's just a tough choice between the two. They're definately both the best rides ever IMO like I said. Like you said, it all comes down to preference, so one can't be better than the's just what you like.

Post November 25th, 2005, 4:20 pm

Posts: 5367
Points on hand: 1,916.00 Points
Location: San Antonio, Texas, USA

well so far EGF has dominated the poll, but theres no love for collosus, california screamin, kanonen, rita, or the sfa and sfdl superman clones. Keep on voting!

Post November 25th, 2005, 4:43 pm

Posts: 703
Points on hand: 2,579.00 Points
Location: USA

ive only ridden volcano, and it was a BLAST!! haha get it? volcano the BLAST coaster, lol yeah it was good

Post November 27th, 2005, 11:06 pm

Posts: 236
Points on hand: 5,178.00 Points
Location: Denver, Co, USA

California Screamin' just takes my heart. It doesn't quite capture a boardwalk coaster, but it is fun, and one of the most scenic coasters espically at night.


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