Board index Roller Coaster Games Scream Machines snapping


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Post November 30th, 2005, 10:09 pm

Posts: 484
Points on hand: 2,897.00 Points
Location: USA

i was just wondering what snapping meant can anyone tell me what it is thanks

Post December 1st, 2005, 12:01 am

Posts: 332
Points on hand: 5,058.00 Points
With snapping enabled, when you move a node or handle of a node, it will "snap" automatically to a given coordinate. Hit "S", move around a node or a handle a bit, and you'll see what I mean. It's quite a handy feature.

Post December 1st, 2005, 8:03 am

Posts: 484
Points on hand: 2,897.00 Points
Location: USA

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