I'm looking for some things that maybe I should have figured out but for the life of me I can't [?]. One of them is how do you figure out the height (I understand by reading Y it will tell you your hieght)but what im wondering is there a certain way that you can get it exactly like you want (say 10 meters for example) w/o having to try to get the vertex on the exact spot, then its hard to tell if it is on the right spot b/c it uses the cursor for the height, which also gets me to is there a way to tell what height a vortex is besides passing the cursor over it. Next question is how exactly does the snap help out (understand it has to do w/ the grid and dragging) but is it better? Next what are some of the rules for banking the curves (woodies and steel), w/ woodies I know that you do not want to bank to hard b/c it will not be realistic? Well appreciate any help I can get. and know its makes me look like a dumb a$$ lol. Well I figured out how to tell the height of a vortex, just went into top few and clicked on the vortex and it was at the top. is that the main way to do it?
Last edited by
lostst8ofmind on September 3rd, 2003, 6:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.