Yesterday I went to six flags and everything was a virtual walk one except for El Toro which was only running one train, I went to the park with my freidn Ethan. Yeah enogh of this onto the TR...
our day started off in the bitter cold, we started out on Medusa, front row which as always was amazing, we wetn on a seocnd time back row after that. After Medusa we skipped along to El Toro. It was my firend first time, he did'nt really like it but that'll change

, after El Toro we went to KingDa Ka but it was closed

so instead we went on Superman: Ultimate Flight, the only problem broke

so we left the line and hit GASM (Then almost died :\) after GASM came my love Nitro

we got on it 2 times once front row, and once 4th row. Yes Wiggles world exitsts yes I amost died becuase they play wiggles music out loud O_o. We then headed to Superman and rode it, it was must more forceful than I remember. The I saw that KingDa Ka was running with passengers, which of course Broke down in line, so while it was being fixed we hit El Toro again, this time around my friend loved it, he said it was good but not the best :\, then KingDa Ka again and WE got on it! finally. They changed the ride spiel so now instea dof nothing it says "Keep your arms down and hold on" then it launches

. After KK it was getting late but we tried for another ride but it broke down again :\ (KK broke a lot, 4 times today inculding one rollback in the morning) Then my friend rode Batman, and we did soemthing extremely special...
We got the first ride on The Chiller without the Zero G rolls This season yes you read it right...we were the among the frist riders to ride it like that, and I must say it seems a whole hell of a lot smoother

and it had a small pop of airtime

. We finished the day with a final ride on Nitro back row.
Overall it was a good day a summary of the rides:
Medusa: 2
El Toro: 2
KingDa Ka: 1
Superman Ultimate Flight : 1
Nitro: 3
Chiller: 1