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Best Way To Make Curves

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Post September 8th, 2003, 11:57 pm

Posts: 305
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Location: Louisiana, USA

I have the loops pretty much down, but I am running into problems w/ my curves (keeping the G's in check). What are some of the basic processes that can be used to fix them up? I especially have trouble when they are in a drop (when I try to fix them up they throw off the whole curve). Would appreciate any help that I can get Thanks[:D]

Post September 9th, 2003, 12:16 am
Oscar User avatar
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uhmmm just I could definately use help in this, I hate doing curves [lol] Well uhmmm just keep banking and inbanking till you get thye lateral g's down and have the turns big enough to accomodate the speed you are taking them as well. DOn't take a 50 mph train and have turn in a 50 foot wide turn if ya know what I mean LOL, sometimes banking early in the turn helps reduce the g's or bank before, on drops, well that's a tuffy, bank around 1/4 way down to 1.2 middle way till you're like in the angle desired of exiting at bottom I guess, I am not good with this :|

Post September 9th, 2003, 12:29 am

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Location: Louisiana, USA

Thanks, Appreicate the advice it helps me quite alot ,but also where are the best setting for the contol points I know its a pretty open ended question lol

Post September 9th, 2003, 12:42 am

Posts: 286
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What's wrong with a 50mph 50ft wide turn? If I calculated right, that's 3.3 Gs...
Anyway, if you're not afraid of math, you could try this:
Build your curve unbanked. On every vertex: banking: 0 / conroll: on
Now mark the vetexes with supports or anything else you like. Ride it. Note the forces at the position of the vertices. Best thing is to ride in 25% mode, flybye, so you can pause when the train is right on top of the controlpoint. (Note: the 25% mode had a small glitch in 1.3 which is fixed in 1.31. If you are using 1.3, go with the 50% mode.)

Now a fast calculation... Let's say you got 1g vertical and 3.2G lateral (a flat fast turn). Just devide the laterals through the verticals and get the arcustangens of that: arctan(3.2/1)=~72.5?????????. Banking needed: 72.5?????????

Another example: slanted helix: The forces: 2g vertical / 2.5G lateral
arctan(2.5/2)= 51.3?????????

This should give you some pretty good results. Ideally Zero laterals.

Hope this helps.

Post September 9th, 2003, 1:12 am
Oscar User avatar
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What's wrong with a 50mph 50ft wide turn? If I calculated right, that's 3.3 Gs...

I was just throwing random numbers around [:p]
Hey thanks Buster for that math, I never thought about doing it this way, will save tons of time!

Post September 9th, 2003, 1:17 am

Posts: 305
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Location: Louisiana, USA

Thanks both for the help, going to try and give the math a shot, May want to take the math and add it to the Articles could help someone else also.

Post September 9th, 2003, 1:45 am

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Location: Louisiana, USA

Maybe im doing the math wrong but I keep coming up w/ a different answer ex. arctan (3.2/1)all I get is 1.26791146 which is basically dividing it. Please if you dont mind can you give me a hand w/ this

Post September 9th, 2003, 6:29 am

Posts: 286
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Well, you got a correct number. Only problem is that you have radiants instead of degrees. See if your calculator can switch the numbers around (rad,deg,grad,...).
If not, multiply your result with 180 and devide through Pi.

1.26791146*180/PI=72.6 (Pi=3.14159...)


Post September 9th, 2003, 8:22 am

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Location: Louisiana, USA

Well I didn't have my calculator at home so I looked online and found one at this site so I gave it a try. I will try to figure it out more but if it doesn't have the option on it the formula you gave me will come in handy thanks

Post September 9th, 2003, 10:49 pm

Posts: 286
Points on hand: 3,503.00 Points
hmm, why don't you just use the calculator that comes with windows? It's perfectly ok for these minor calculations.


Post September 10th, 2003, 3:21 am

Posts: 305
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Location: Louisiana, USA

well didn't think that one was up to it lol, I will use it now that you said though lol thanks

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