Originally posted by Jimmy YoshiOriginally posted by Dirk_Ermen
I totally agree with you, then this would be also the HIGHEST freefall tower on the planet! [pshades]
The highest freefall tower that I wouldn't even think of riding... I don't know if I could even muster up the courage to ride on the S&S Tower...
The S&S is a shot 'n drop tower, i'm talking about freefall [:)]
Also that would be the highest point, but not the deepest drop [:D] I guess freefalls haven't been larger build then 100 meters.
But imagine, you're sitting in a freefall car. The floor below you get's pulled away. Wait a few seconds, and then do a freefall about 250 meters down! Probably around 7 seconds airtime! [pshades] At the bottom of the ride about 40-50 meters above the grond in the brakes [:)]
And then you should do a contest with someone, who is quicker, you as freefaller or your friend with the elevator [:D] Make sure you give your friend 5 seconds ahead [;)]