search fraps on the internet. IF you find the site its a video thing that you can take videos at frps. The version that you dont play for only records 30 seconds at a time, but you can combine witht he windows movie maker. Good Luck! , The only software I know of that can take vids, has to be in a 3d rendering setting. (in other words, it won't work with taking vids of you browsing through folders) And it is a good idea to use movie maker or another video editor to edit stuff.
This is the best and most effiecient way, and you will need these materials...
A digital Video camera with an S video port
A video card with an S video port
an S video cord
Hook it all up and start recording, then take it into your video editing software (IE Windows Movie Maker, I Movie, Adobe Premier, ect.....) and capture the video source onto your hard drive, from there its simple editing.
Alternatively you can use a video capture program like fraps or hyper cam (search for it in google and you'll find it, its got a practically full un registered version, it just has a watermark in the upper right corner, but its not that noticeable) THe only problem is it takes forever to render, and often times it comes out laggy the video does.
The lag on fraps won't occur if you use a small resolution (800x600 has worked well), even with settings such as reflections on, unless you have a very crappy computer.
Probably another way if you have ports that came with your graghic card, hook it up to your VCR or any device and start recording. I could be wrong I don't know too much about this anyway lol.......