Find out how many trains can run in an hour ( (60min/ride time) times the number of trains) and multiply it by the max number of people in a train. This sounds like it makes sense to me.
or you can just count the number of trains/riders/whatever leave the station in a ten minute period and then multiply it by 6. That would be more of an estimation though.
What I always do to calculate ride capacity is this... sit in the first train, and start a timer as it is leaving the station. When the same train completes the whole circuit, and leaves the station again, stop the timer. Now take the # of seconds that it took for the circuit, and divide it into 3600. This gives you the amount of circuits that the coaster completes per hour. Next, muliply the number of passengers per train times the number of trains. This gives you tht total number of riders per circuit. Now multiply the number of circuits per hour times the number of riders per circuit, and voila! Riders/hour.
Wtf, is there a way of doing in my head without it exploding?
I think your bullshitting me.... I tryed with IJST and it says It does 2.8 circuits per hour?!?
you must of done something wrong. cjd's way is EXACTLY how i do it, and it works everytime for me. if you send me your desired track i can figure it out for you. (
I don't use AHG or anything like that on my 'woodies', Just the normal track smoohter then hand smoothing from there, I'm not a big fan of steel coasters anyway... way too much competition.
People are too serious and forget it's just a sim.