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giant dipper

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Post January 2nd, 2006, 5:11 pm
jayman Premium Member
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whoohooo... i have a prior and church bobs style coaster 10 minutes away..for its size it has nicely banked turns, and a nice long pre lift tunnel.. unfortunately they use morgan trains, you know the ones, the bottom of the line... but they also ensure the longevity of the ride, so i guess i won't complain....too much.
i had saturday off and decided to go for a ride.when i got out of my car i noticed alot of extra, already painted red , 2x2's stacked neatly in the center of the second turn ... it looks like they'll be doing some work this winter...last year they got a new train from morgan... probably part of a package deal to include the ugly piece of crap space age rollercoaster asthetic ruining dayglo belongs in a carnival on the back of a truck with some maggot opreating it chaos ride... the new ride really takes alot out of the appeal of the coaster, ALOT, but again i can't complain... i'm just glad this is right around the corner... does anyone else live close to a "solo coaster"?

Post January 18th, 2006, 12:17 am

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what giant dipper is this? the one in san deiego?

[EDIT] nevermind, i read your profile, you live in san diego.
why do you not like that ride? i think it's the best woodie i've ever been on.

Post January 18th, 2006, 12:25 am

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Post January 18th, 2006, 12:43 am
coolbeans326 User avatar
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Thats the one that it sounds like.
It's pretty fun, next time I go to san diego to visit my brother, I'll probably go there again, and bring a camera along to get a pov. Its a nice area, although the rides are kind of bunched together, but they have nice shopping, and the Wave house is pretty cool, although I haven't ever eaten there.

Post February 13th, 2006, 10:38 pm
jayman Premium Member
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Originally posted by hyperdude

what giant dipper is this? the one in san deiego?

[EDIT] nevermind, i read your profile, you live in san diego.
why do you not like that ride? i think it's the best woodie i've ever been on.
n,n,n,n,nnNO... oh no, do not get me wrong!!!!!! i LOOOOOOVE THIS ride, love love love love love, more than everything at magic mountain, (but not as much as ghost rider), it's the closest thing to the riverview bobs that still exsists, and if you've ridden this and the one in santa cruz you've officially ridden all that's left of the great west coast rollercoasters, and both built to prior and church ...
nononononooo.... i love this ride , i just don't like what's done to it. the morgan trains seem to drag over parts of the ride that look like they were designed for more speed, they could've restored the originals, but when it was rebuilt morgan saw fit to make more mula and actually DONATED a free train, of course i'm sure there had to be modifications to original parts of the ride , and i'm sure morgan didn't give the work away for free.. that's probabaly the reason there's a peice of crap chaos ride blocking a good shot of the dipper... coincedently they got a new train at the same time as they built the chaos peice of carnival crap... hmmm...

but NOOOO i do not hate this ride... i love it so much that it would be impossible to explain to the general public, i've tried .. i tried to tell someone how id rather see "x" at m.m, (and i love that ride too) torn down than the giant dipper, and how , in my opinion it's a farrrrrrrrr more important ride...they called me stupid. nope i don't hate it one bit, i just don't like how it's been sort of tamed ... BUT it is merticulously maintained, like many of the fine yachts in our harbors, and the new morgan train was the smoothest ride i've ever had , out of scores and scores of rides...... but this ride has potential, riding in the morgan trains is like a slow scenic tour through the ride rather than the pants soiling ride that it once had been ,

i think that morgan should do something about this ...... why does gci make the only good articulating rolling stock? morgan has trains on the santa cruz dipper too, and the dragon at rye beach , and i'd bet on tons of other classic rides all over.. THEY should design a 2 wheeled, open front, 2 passenger, articulating car... (actualy when you think of it, they have nailed the articulation, but i think the length between the axles is longer and makes more friction, in any case the two wheels is covered)
sorry i ranted.... but i didn't realize that i'd made an impression that i hate the giant dipper, no...i love it.. and having one of the best wooden rollercoasters left in the world 10 minutes away is one of the reasons i pay the high cost of living here in san diego.. no, really...j...

Post February 13th, 2006, 10:45 pm

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I was just there a week ago, and they are definantly working on it. That things is such a fun ride though.

Post February 13th, 2006, 10:49 pm

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I was there last summer, I got a POV. Its a really nice ride.

Post February 13th, 2006, 11:05 pm

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The Great Dipper is a great ride, one of those rides that is made even better by how amazingly poorly engineered it is, the poor trackwork causes the ride to be thrillingly intense, and IMO this is one of the most underrated woodies anywhere.

Post February 13th, 2006, 11:08 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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Post February 14th, 2006, 7:44 am

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I rode it four years ago and was not impressed. The Morgan trains are godawful.

why does gci make the only good articulating rolling stock?

Meh, GCI trains do not belong on a wooden coaster IMO. I refuse to believe PTCs can't handle banking/twists close to what those trains can (just look at Roar @ SFA), and they are much better built and a lot heavier.

Post February 14th, 2006, 6:50 pm

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Originally posted by IntaminFan397

I rode it four years ago and was not impressed. The Morgan trains are godawful.

why does gci make the only good articulating rolling stock?

Meh, GCI trains do not belong on a wooden coaster IMO. I refuse to believe PTCs can't handle banking/twists close to what those trains can (just look at Roar @ SFA), and they are much better built and a lot heavier.

Interesting how we all have different opinions! I'll take Roar at Marine World over SFA's any day, because of the GCI trains! I really like them, and while I don't dislike PTC's in general, I do dislike PTC's newer trains that seem to be made of bolted-together fiberglass that rattles. I find Hurler and SFA's Roar to be 2 of the worst for that - I know in the case of PKD's Hurler that the track is in bad shape, but the vibrations from the train are equally awful. Now, I guess if the trains are maintained really well (like Twister at Knoebels or Wildcat at Hersheypark), PTC's can be fine. I just like the single-bench articulation better, and have no problems whatsoever with GCI trains.

Morgans? Another matter altogether, although I don't think they're bad on the Sea Breeze Jack Rabbit. Otherwise, they basically diminish whatever offerings a coaster has. I think Le Monstre would be fabulous with something else. The Santa Cruz Giant Dipper isn't bad, but with better trains....? Colossus is awful. I disliked the trains immensely on the San Diego Giant Dipper, because I found the ride with them to be uncomfortable. And they ruined the fun of the Dragon Coaster. The Dragon was fast and exciting, and gorgeous to watch. The Morgan trains are ugly, and slow.

Oddly enough, I found the Riverside Cyclone to be more tolerable with Morgans than with the replacement PTC's.

Post February 14th, 2006, 7:29 pm

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Originally posted by IntaminFan397

I rode it four years ago and was not impressed. The Morgan trains are godawful.

why does gci make the only good articulating rolling stock?

Meh, GCI trains do not belong on a wooden coaster IMO. I refuse to believe PTCs can't handle banking/twists close to what those trains can (just look at Roar @ SFA), and they are much better built and a lot heavier.

Some of the GCI rides that have been built could probably switch from the 1 bench to PTC's but rides like Thunderhead would be impossible. If they could do it I think someone would.

Post February 14th, 2006, 10:22 pm
jayman Premium Member
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Originally posted by Bobcoaster

Originally posted by IntaminFan397

I rode it four years ago and was not impressed. The Morgan trains are godawful.

why does gci make the only good articulating rolling stock?

Meh, GCI trains do not belong on a wooden coaster IMO. I refuse to believe PTCs can't handle banking/twists close to what those trains can (just look at Roar @ SFA), and they are much better built and a lot heavier.

Interesting how we all have different opinions! I'll take Roar at Marine World over SFA's any day, because of the GCI trains! I really like them, and while I don't dislike PTC's in general, I do dislike PTC's newer trains that seem to be made of bolted-together fiberglass that rattles. I find Hurler and SFA's Roar to be 2 of the worst for that - I know in the case of PKD's Hurler that the track is in bad shape, but the vibrations from the train are equally awful. Now, I guess if the trains are maintained really well (like Twister at Knoebels or Wildcat at Hersheypark), PTC's can be fine. I just like the single-bench articulation better, and have no problems whatsoever with GCI trains.

Morgans? Another matter altogether, although I don't think they're bad on the Sea Breeze Jack Rabbit. Otherwise, they basically diminish whatever offerings a coaster has. I think Le Monstre would be fabulous with something else. The Santa Cruz Giant Dipper isn't bad, but with better trains....? Colossus is awful. I disliked the trains immensely on the San Diego Giant Dipper, because I found the ride with them to be uncomfortable. And they ruined the fun of the Dragon Coaster. The Dragon was fast and exciting, and gorgeous to watch. The Morgan trains are ugly, and slow.

Oddly enough, I found the Riverside Cyclone to be more tolerable with Morgans than with the replacement PTC's.

you said it, man, like i said , those trains make it like a scenic tour through the ghost of my dipper..

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