I was looking on Gerstlauer's website, I encountered some NoLimits pictures.. i think they aren't edited, and they show a Gerstlauer Launch Coaster, which looks pretty cool!
^ i dont think so, just because they layout is not that good, it doesnt make the ride not fun, personally i think rita has a boring layout, just a bunch of helixes, but its still a fun ride.
i think if thety make one, it would be very similar to an intamin accelerator, hopefullly they will put some kind of inversion in, but anyways, the almoisy 90* banks look fub
i've seen these pictures a while ago. The concept looks good and some layouts look nice. But the only thing i'm actually worrying about is the capicity. With only 2-3 trains of 12 people on the track the queues must be huge!
Yeah exactly waht iw as thinkink Dirk. I would definetely wait for the first and second designs, but the second one looks rediculousy bad! Great to see more companies take up a launching design!
I reckon these pics have already been posted as im sure ive seen them quite a while ago? Anyway i reckon they look good, launched coasters for smaller parks i reckon.
I think we saw these whenever we found out that Oakwood was getting a Eurofighter. If they could lengthen the trains and make the layouts a little more inspired, they could be good.
^ Oakwood [:)] I agree with you Jimmy, i think if they made the trains longer with more complex/original elements, they could be really cool. But i think they suit small parks who cant afford better launched coastes best.