Originally posted by pdonahue
I have never been very active religously, but the argument for evolution has a serious flaw in it. I don't care how long you try, if you take a bunch of rocks and bang them together in a container for a few million years, you are not going to get life, period. I cannot get over this fact when trying to comprehend the concept of an all might being versus evolution and the big bang theory.
no, there is a flaw in your comment.
the beginning of all is just atoms like in your sciene lab's table of elements. those atoms started to bang against each other and creating more an more complex molecules, those molecules reacted in to substance creating the first one-celled bacteria, which fed themselfves with complex molecules, at sometime, they surrounded certain little cel-complexes which provided them enery with fotosynteses or chemical reactions, during that 'gain of cel organs' they got cel-cores, dna and other stuff you only understand if you have biogoly.
After the bacteria have evolved they usually slit themselves to reprocreate, but after finding a way to blend with another cel and somehow have intercourse they didn't need to split to reprocreate and they could use it to grow bigger.
Because not a single climate on earth is equal many sort of bactiria evolved into other organism, such as plants, animals and other,