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Microsoft Bash

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Post February 3rd, 2006, 8:14 pm

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Ok, I am so sick of Microcrap Wintendo I am about to scream ... so I thought I would post a funny cartoon I saw about them. Now, if you are not technically inclined and have a thorough understanding about Microsoft, satire, and irony -- you will not get this. Don't feel bad though, you will not be alone in your confusion. [lol]

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Post February 3rd, 2006, 8:26 pm

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Post February 3rd, 2006, 8:31 pm

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SPAM, SPAM, SPAM. Your such a spamer TC, lol just joking.

Post February 3rd, 2006, 8:32 pm

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There is really no end to the bashing either ... [lol]

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Post February 3rd, 2006, 8:33 pm

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Post February 4th, 2006, 3:26 am
hyyyper User avatar
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i read in then newspaper yesterday that bill gates has his own IRS computer to calulate the taxes because of his billions being big enough to crash the normal IRS servers

Post February 4th, 2006, 5:46 am
Oscar User avatar
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they use an abacus for his taxes, anything mechanical will just break down, no matter who makes it.
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Paradox wrote:
No need to tell Oscar about the problems. He is magic.

Post February 4th, 2006, 9:08 am
hyyyper User avatar
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an abacus, what's that? sounds like some kind of monkey?

Post February 4th, 2006, 2:06 pm

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hyyyper, please tell me you are kidding ... else we shall begin calling for your ban as well. Shall I start the picket line?
Sometimes the best thing to say is nothing at all.

Post February 4th, 2006, 2:39 pm
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Post February 4th, 2006, 2:45 pm

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Post February 4th, 2006, 2:55 pm
hyyyper User avatar
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o, about the abacus, i thought you were talking bout the article, anyway, we just call it a "Telraam", translated: "Counting window"

and yes i do think abacus sound like a monkey species

Post February 5th, 2006, 1:10 am

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I just had to post to point out the severity of my omission of hyyyper as a sig target.

Also good stuff TC, although i didn't orgasm over it like the other guys appear to have done.

Post February 5th, 2006, 1:53 am

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Post February 5th, 2006, 10:24 am

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^ Typical Wintendo lover with a sense of humor ... [lol]
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Post February 5th, 2006, 11:59 pm

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Wow! Another Windows humour topic. There everywhere, which is a good indication that Windows has problems and many, many bugs. Or features, depending on what way you look at it.

But it does not have to be this way - use Linux, or, failing that, Mozilla Firefox.

I tend to refer to Microsoft as Microshit because of there buggy software but Windows itself isn't that buggy. Strip out Internet Explorer and use Mozilla Firefox for all you browsing needs then you should be OK. Also, don't install software you don't know or trust. Popups requesting you to install XXX Toolbar, which WILL screw you machine up should be denied the permission to be installed on your computer. Firefox blocks all of these, but Internet Explorer doesnt.

With IE, you will have problems and you probably have someone spying on you a well. Anyway, enough of the yada yada, and click on the link, or paste it into you address bar:

Open Source software is where the source code is available to everyone. It is usually free of charge. Basically, you can do whatever you want with it, so long as the original author is referenced. More on "Open Source Communism": ... 76230.html

Post February 6th, 2006, 12:02 am

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A good way to get around all the Windows crap is to buy a Macintosh. The new Intel based Macs are faster than ever.

Post February 6th, 2006, 7:52 pm

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The Intel based Macintosh computers will be based on an 8086 architecture, the same as any Pentium CPU. It is likely that there will be EMT64 technology within these processors that allow for 64bit computing. The OS Apple will sell standalone like they currently do, so instead of wasting your money on a mac, build yourself an Intel based machine (Pentium, not Celeron) and buy the OS and enjoy the savings. Also, Intel are not the fastest CPU manufacturers nor the best, AMD is.

It a common misonception that because Intel have the biggest market share then they are the best... this is not true. An equivelent AMD processor will outperform its Intel counterpart in most situations, but not in video encoding.

Also, the Windows XP source code is very, very complex and requires a hell of alot of knowledge to be able to even start using it. It will all be written in C++ and you can be sure that Microsoft will make it very unreadable. Thats if you ever get your hands on a copy to take home/download. If you are really that bothered about OS source code, look at Linux. This was built from the very beginning to have the source code shared and therefore will be likely a lot more readable and usable. In short, Microsoft will never release the source code to there OS to the general public, you are getting mixed up. Instead, it will be released to mainly government organisations, and that is of course if Microsoft complies.

A Google search for Microsoft Lawsuit returns 5,900,000 results. From the same search engine, Linux Lawsuit returns 1,970,000 results and the first page is... Microsoft against Linux.

If Apple, together with MacOSX [insert animal name here] has the same success as Linux, then I am sure Microsoft will make Apples life as hard as possible, which they are already doing with Linux and Open Source.

Post February 6th, 2006, 8:29 pm

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Originally posted by mattpepprell

The Intel based Macintosh computers will be based on an 8086 architecture, the same as any Pentium CPU. It is likely that there will be EMT64 technology within these processors that allow for 64bit computing. The OS Apple will sell standalone like they currently do, so instead of wasting your money on a mac, build yourself an Intel based machine (Pentium, not Celeron) and buy the OS and enjoy the savings. Also, Intel are not the fastest CPU manufacturers nor the best, AMD is.

It a common misonception that because Intel have the biggest market share then they are the best... this is not true. An equivelent AMD processor will outperform its Intel counterpart in most situations, but not in video encoding.

Also, the Windows XP source code is very, very complex and requires a hell of alot of knowledge to be able to even start using it. It will all be written in C++ and you can be sure that Microsoft will make it very unreadable. Thats if you ever get your hands on a copy to take home/download. If you are really that bothered about OS source code, look at Linux. This was built from the very beginning to have the source code shared and therefore will be likely a lot more readable and usable. In short, Microsoft will never release the source code to there OS to the general public, you are getting mixed up. Instead, it will be released to mainly government organisations, and that is of course if Microsoft complies.

A Google search for Microsoft Lawsuit returns 5,900,000 results. From the same search engine, Linux Lawsuit returns 1,970,000 results and the first page is... Microsoft against Linux.

If Apple, together with MacOSX [insert animal name here] has the same success as Linux, then I am sure Microsoft will make Apples life as hard as possible, which they are already doing with Linux and Open Source.

First of all you need to get some of your facts about Apple straight. There is no way to run MacOSX on a homebuilt Intel machine. The only way you could do that is with some major modifications to the source code which you will NEVER be getting because Apple doesn't realease it.

One of the main reasons Apple chose to go with Intel was because of their low power high performance laptop chips. IBM, the developer of the G5 chip doesn't have a need to pump millions of dollars into developing a cooler G5 for use in laptops. And, as I've stated before the new Macs run programs much faster than the old ones do. Even when running Power PC only programs, speed is still comparable.

I would appreciate it if you would check your facts before stating that anyone can go out and buy Intel parts and have a Mac. It is worth the money to buy a computer better than a stupid beige Windows box.

Post February 7th, 2006, 1:23 pm

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Location: London, United Kingdom
OK, Apple have opted for the mobile version of the Pentium because, according to you (WoodieMan), they are fast and use little power. I am not going to argue that one, because they are not bad, though not great.

So, we have ourselves what is essentially a Pentium M. These processors use a 32bit addressing scheme that is essentially an 8086 processor. Windows 32bit operating systems use this, Linux 32bit OS uses this and the new MacOSX uses it. If the operating system that you are installing matches the platform, then it will install, dependant of other hardware (for example, it wont install under normal condiitions with 1MB ram).

Once the OS has passed the check for an 8086 addressing scheme, then installation shall proceed. The only thing that will get in the way is if Apple have programmed into the OS to only run on a set of hardware and if you are using a BIOS or Extensible Firmware Interface. If Apple were to limit the hardware this would be a smart move in one sense (makes people buy a Mac) but bad in another sense becuase of limitation to upgradeability. So, my bet is that Apple have not done this.

Currently, Windows XP does not support Extensible Firmware Interface, but the new version (Windows Vista) will. Once Vista is released the number of PC's running Extensible Firmware Interface will increase as will the compatibility between Intel based PC's.

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