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Super Bowl XL - aka Shenanigans

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Post February 7th, 2006, 4:03 pm

Posts: 5626
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Location: Millbrook, Alabama, USA

Um, the camera ran out of batteries before the parade got to where you where? Uh, what were you taking pictures of that used up the batteries? [lol]

Post February 7th, 2006, 4:12 pm

Posts: 2864
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Location: Monroeville, PA, USA

Umm... Lets just say that I had to entertain myself for 3 hours waiting for the parade to get there. There was this one guy who was complaining about everything, like that the balloons were in an annoying spot and that they weren't playing any music for 20 minutes. So I had to do something based on that guy. Plus it's Pittsburgh, and I'd be lying if I said that all the people there were, civilized, so I had to tape their actions to keep myself from dying of boredom. And the fact that it was in the cold for 2 hours couldn't have helped the battery situation. I did get a picture of some people, but I missed the important folks.

Here's some of the pictures I got.

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The crowd only got larger, we were packed in.

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A well decorated car if I do say so myself. (It's not mine)

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Last Stop for the Bus. We'll miss you.

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A nice hat.

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The EVIL balloons.

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Alan Faneca, Kendall Simmons, and Chukky Okobie.

Right after that is when the battery died. I was filming too, after all, it was a video camera.

Post February 7th, 2006, 4:31 pm

Posts: 5626
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Location: Millbrook, Alabama, USA

Originally posted by Jimmy Yoshi

Plus it's Pittsburgh, and I'd be lying if I said that all the people there were, civilized, so I had to tape their actions to keep myself from dying of boredom.

Great pics -- that line though, had me rolling. Oh, how I know that so well my friend. [lol]

Post February 7th, 2006, 4:36 pm

Posts: 868
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Location: Indianapolis, IN, USA
Originally posted by TConwell

Well coaster -- I guess we shall agree to disagree and move on, eh?


Post February 7th, 2006, 4:46 pm

Posts: 5626
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Location: Millbrook, Alabama, USA

Some light reading from ESPN ... apparently not everyone is crying foul though, which is at least good to see: ... id=2322300
Sometimes the best thing to say is nothing at all.

Post February 7th, 2006, 5:10 pm

Posts: 5367
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Location: San Antonio, Texas, USA

The seahawks have some issues...they cant get over the fact that they lost. A fan at their rally had a sign that said:

Refs 21
Seahawks 10

Mike Holmgren(sp?) said during his speech, something along the lines of, "I knew we had to play Pittsburgh, but not the guys in strips aswell." They just need to get over it!

Cool pics Jimmy, seemed life you had a fun day. Its gotta be pretty cool to see all the players, and celebrate with all those fans!

Post February 7th, 2006, 5:36 pm

Posts: 2864
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Location: Monroeville, PA, USA

It was quite fun. I agree, it's not just the ref's fault. It wasn't them had the awful clock management at the end of the first and second halfs. It wasn't them who through a key interception to my boy, Ike Taylor. It wasn't them who gave up the longest run in Superbowl history, or who completely bought the reverse on a reverse option pass play. It wasn't like the Seahawks weren't playing, after all, the Steelers overcame adversity due to referees in the game against the Colts, so why couldn't the Seahawks?

Post February 7th, 2006, 5:46 pm

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Originally posted by Jakizle

Mike Holmgren(sp?) said during his speech, something along the lines of, "I knew we had to play Pittsburgh, but not the guys in strips aswell. They just need to get over it!

If you were a Seahawks fan and saw all those poor calls, my guess is you wouldn't feel that way. I was impartial before the game, and I hated watching Pitt win on bad calls. That is why most people that were neutral didn't like the game. No one likes to see a game decided by refs, and pretty much everyone not in Pitt or Seattle feels that way IMO. That is why you are seeing such a negative response to the game. I read where Pitt writers were comparing Rothlesberger to Brady. Please!!!! Rothlesberger had a terrible game. Other than the pass from Randal El to Hines and the great run in the first half, the Steelers really did not look all that impressive. Makes me wonder how they beat Indy, because if they played that game like they played the superbowl, there would be a different outcome. In fairness, Seattle played a poor game compared to the rest of the playoff as well. Seems both teams saved their worst for last.

End of one sports fan rant, beginning of Pitt fans nasty responses.[:D]

Post February 7th, 2006, 6:10 pm

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Originally posted by TConwell
Even a 50-50 guess on what will happen has a 1 in 2 chance of being right. [;)]

Thats why it was used metaphorically ;)

Heres why I was upset with the game. Obviously the Steelers and many of the fans think they won on their own merit which I disagree with.

As I said before, I dont use penalties as excuses in 99% of all cases. I usually say "suck it up, theres time left, get over it" but in this instance it wasnt like the time left mattered. The penalties were scattered about the game and it for another normal team, those would have been scoring drives. But I definatly think the Steelers were helped out alot because the penalties made it very easy for them. It allowed them to do what they do best and thats sit on a lead and play hard defense without much worry.

Another reason is I know what its like to win an important game on a penalty or penalties. When I was playing golf in High School we had an important game against a league team. We needed to win in order to force a playoff with another league team or in the case that worked out, share a birth to the Sectionals.

It was the final hole and I was playing up to the green and hit a great 7 wood to about 20 feet. One of the other teams guy hit a great drive but shanked his second shot. Knowing that every stroke counted because he was one of the better guys he got very upset and threw his club about 10 yard against his bag, knocking it over. That is unsportsmanlike conduct and its cause for a 1 stroke penalty.

Instead of telling him then and getting him further pissed off I decided I would let him play the hole out and add the stroke at the end of the hole.

As we were telling each other what we had he said "I had a 5" to which I responded "No, you had a 6. You threw your club and I am assessing a 1 stroke penalty." Of course he was mad but could not dispute since our coaches were right there.

We tallied up the scores and we one stroke.

Sure, we won. But it wasnt what I call a "legit" win. Yes, the other team made a mistake but its not a win I went home and bragged about. How can you feel good about winning because of a mistake like that? I dont find any good feeling in that. We ended up stunning 3 teams at Sectionals and went on to Districts for the first time in a decade. (of course, we got demolished there)

But we were alot like the Steelers and I just hope that the Steelers and their fans realize this wasnt such a great win. Yes, they win. I think its great that Bettis and Cower got their rings and the Lombardi but this isnt one Id go around telling everyone about. They surely have to know that 3 bogus calls were made (not including the Ben TD which he admits to believing he didnt get it across - )

Of course, the Seahawks made their fair share of mistakes but those mistakes coming home were mistakes any team makes. Heck, the Steelers played horrible the entire game but pulled 3 great plays and won themselves a Super Bowl.

I just wanted a good game and instead got a horribly officiated game in which the winning team didnt even play that well and definatly should have destroyed the visiting team based on the penalties and home field advantage.

Post February 7th, 2006, 6:31 pm

Posts: 5367
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Location: San Antonio, Texas, USA

Some very interesting comments there Real.

It is interesting that Ben admitted that in the article, but on Jim Rome is Burning, which aired on ESPN around an hour ago, Ben said he knew he crossed it when he jumped. He said he wasn't over after contact was made, but was over in the air. Its like theres two different Bens out there right now [lol].

Post February 7th, 2006, 8:01 pm

Posts: 5626
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Location: Millbrook, Alabama, USA

Not too mention anyone can claim to have "the" story ... can't they?
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Post February 7th, 2006, 8:06 pm
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play nice [r]'s
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Paradox wrote:
No need to tell Oscar about the problems. He is magic.

Post February 7th, 2006, 9:22 pm

Posts: 868
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Location: Indianapolis, IN, USA
Originally posted by TConwell

Not too mention anyone can claim to have "the" story ... can't they?

Lol, Thats what all the magazines in check out lane at the super market are for. [:p]

I have a feeling that something shall be done over the off-season about the officials. There were a bunch of bogus calls over the course of the play-offs that were meer screw ups. We can all hope they will improve something.

Post February 7th, 2006, 10:21 pm

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Originally posted by WeeWeeSlap

play nice [r]'s

No you play nice! [:p]

Post February 7th, 2006, 10:31 pm

Posts: 5626
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Location: Millbrook, Alabama, USA

The solution is to get rid of the fly-by-night folks and bring in and hire regular staff. That way, there is some investment by the NFL, as well as a investment by the officials themselves.
Sometimes the best thing to say is nothing at all.

Post February 8th, 2006, 1:10 am

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Post February 8th, 2006, 12:44 pm

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Location: Millbrook, Alabama, USA

Originally posted by Real

^Plus accountability.
That would be implied, therefore not needed to be said. A permenant staff position would be more valued than a fill-in. Take UPS for example, I am sure if packages were not cared for - jobs would be lost. Same example, thus, not needing to be stated up front.

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