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Visited a theme park and have a wild time?!? Post your trip report here and tell us all about it!

Post February 20th, 2006, 6:39 pm

Posts: 404
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Location: Los Angleles, CA, USA
i went to disneyland yesterday with my marching band to play in the something dreams parade at night. we got to the park at around 11:00 and went staight to that buzz lightyear shooting ride. it wasn't bad and ended up kicking my friend's butt with my score (which wasnt all that impressive). it's really hard to aim those lasers. really hard. all of my friends said that that was such a good ride but i really didn't find anything too fun about it. we then went to matterhorn which was bumpy as all hell and fun none-the-less. i took a pov and if you want to see it, visit
(i hid the camera for a few seconds so it wouldnt get wet at the end)

we then went to eat lunch at pizza port which wasnt that bad and when we finished, space mountain opened up again (it had closed earlier) so we got on the 10th train or so. i tried to make a pov hoping the lights would be on, but it turned out to be all black with the exception of the blue light tunnel in the beggining. i never went on space mountain before that and i found that it was a great ride (it might not be anywhere near the best coaster, but the stars and the wind it blows at you and the soundtrack made it all great).

after that we went to splash mountain, but i didn't go on it because i dont like spending 6 hours at a theme park soaking wet. after that we went to do the parade, and i've got to say, the "backstage" really killed it for me. we got to set up for the parade right next to the main fireworks hub for fantasma so that was kind of cool. we did the parade, playing one song only (LAME) smoke on the water. after the parade was over and our honerary cast membership was taken away, we went to eat dinner and found this really, really, really good BBQ place in fromtierland. that was good food.

after that, we went on thunder mountan railroad and i hit my hand going up the lift hill on some of the ceiling scenery (tunnel test, anyone?). we then proceeded to watch the last minute of fantasma and then went to the teacups (gotta go everytime) and bought a hat at the mad hatter.

then we left and had a really tiring hour long bus ride.

'twas a swell day.

Post February 20th, 2006, 6:43 pm

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haha the funnest part of all that was in the vid some kid shouts i pee'd my pants i thought it was histaricle lol

Post February 20th, 2006, 6:46 pm

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Location: USA
Yay for early steelies. Matterhorn rules. And sounds like you have a good time.

Post February 20th, 2006, 7:18 pm
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dude if you live so close you should have joined coolbeans and I at knotts, he is still there with his "friend" [lol] anyway good job.
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Paradox wrote:
No need to tell Oscar about the problems. He is magic.

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