It was a fun day out, despite the massive crowds and queues and, I really do mean massive. In truth, we probably didn't pick the right day to go, because a few of the major attractions were also closed, such as the Grand National, which I was really looking forward to getting on. We did however, have a right good laugh pretty much all day. I wouldn't have thought you could have so much fun with a small stuffed Crazy Frog, won on a game [lol] ... small things.
The day started off with me and Gazag getting to Blackpool at around 9:00AM. Gazag hadn't had any brekkie so we found a cafe (eventually) and he grabbed a Full English, me having already had my Full English at home [:D]. We then walked around the outside of the park taking photos as we went, I think I managed to get a few good shots (as you will see later) and Gazag managed to get a shot of me looking gay next to some old track from the Big One, that was just lying around outside the park.
We met up with the rest of the peeps at the front of the park, just after 10 and swifty got our wristbands. We then waited outside the gates of the park, having a bit of a laugh at the Bolton accent [lol] (taidal werv = Tidal Wave, to the rest of us haha). When the park opened we strolled in and some of us bought some more food, including me (the Full English I had at 5:45AM starting to wear off), even though it was ?????????2 love 35 for ONE cheeseburger [lol]. We then went on to The Big One to catch our first ride of the day. We queued for a little bit before the ride opened, they were still testing and greasing it up. We queued for about half an hour once the ride had opened.
The Pepsi Max Big One - 6/10
The ride really was no more than I expected of it, me expecting not very much after hearing other peoples opinions of the ride. But still, it is now the highest and fastest coaster I have ever ridden and it was fun, mainly because of it's general crapness making me chuckle [lol]. I was in the very back car and still there was only the one time where there was even a hint of airtime and that was about 1/5 of the way down the first drop. Both the turnaround and the helix are way overbanked and for a vertigo sufferer like myself, hanging out of the side of a train with nothing below you for 150ft, isn't a pleasant thing, heh heh. (however, we rode it a second time at the end of the day and it gets a higher score, find out why later)
Bling - 9/10
After getting off The Big One and having a laugh at the onride photo's, we joined the queue for Bling, which was a really good laugh and probably one of the best flat rides I've been on, not that it's very flat of course, heh heh.
Steeplechase - 7/10
When we got off bling we had a go on Steeplechase, the queue was very short for it, but the crowds were starting to really build at this point. It was a pretty fun little racing ride, it throws you around a little bit on some of the corners, which was pretty fun. Me and Gazag won the race, beating the other two horses by a fair distance, taking them in the last corner [lol].
Roller Coaster - 9/10
After Steeplechase, we walked in the direction of Avalanche, but decided against it as the queue was, well, huge... and so we joined the queue for Roller Coaster instead. I thought it was great personally, just pure and simple fun to ride, not much else you can say about it. It would get an 8/10, but the lack of any restraint system whatsoever, means it gets extra credit from me [:)].
We grabbed some more food after that (TASH SHAVE TASH!), some rather wank Fish and Chips for me, that didn't taste very nice at all but still cost ?????????3 pissing 60! haha. It didn't help that we were served by a woman with a proper full on tash either [lol]. Gazag pretending to cough and shouting TASH! at full volume had us in stitches though.
We walked around the park for a little while after that, mainly just wondering what to go on as the queues for everything, were massive by this point. This is when English Coaster Guy stumbled across one of them grabby claw games, that was full of little Crazy Frog stuffed toys. He shoved his money in and won the thing straight off, little did we know that it would turn out to be thing that we had the most fun with, all day [lol]
We continued to walk round the park for the rest of the day, not really getting on much, not that we were all that bothered as we were having so much fun ripping the Crazy Frog to bits and making it eat it's own feet and such [lol]. We went in the 4D cinema which honestly, was the worst ?????????3 I have ever spent, all it did was make my eyes hurt, although it was amuzing at one part because of the way a kiddies doll looked with one of its eyes hanging out of it's head [lol]. At one point, English Coaster Guy got on this tiny pinfari kiddie coaster on his own with the Crazy Frog while we watched on, pissing ourselves laughing at him, first of all making it look like he was thrilled, then very quickly looking extremely bored. We thought it was going to stop on the 4th time round, but the thing just kept on going, 5 times round, 6 times round .... 7 times round [lol]. The rest of us then tried to get on but were turned away as there was loads of kiddies waiting to get on haha. We managed to get on The Big Dipper - 8/10, which was good, nice air and laterals all the way around. English Coaster Guy made me laugh, letting go of the Crazy Frog at the top of one of the airhills and catching it again, which was indeed, amuzing. We got on Roller Coaster again and had a right laugh fighting over the crazy frog and putting it in weird positions while the coaster was going round, the funniest was at the end though with Danny (English Coaster Guys brother) Hitting the Crazy Frog off the inside of the tunnel that you go through towards the end of the ride. I couldn't stop laughing and found it difficult to get off the ride because I was still laughing [lol]. We also got on Gold Mine - 0/10 honestly, what the hell is the point of this ride? [lol] It was seriously the stupidest and most boring thing ever, although we had a chuckle at the theming and scenery heh heh. Can't really remember anything else we did during the day, if anyone can remember abything else that was worth mentioning, then go ahead and post it [;)].
Most of the people at the meet-up left at around 6ish leaving me and Gazag to queue for The Big One for a second time. When we started queueing, it was perfectly light, by the time we were even at the station, it was pitch black. That gives you an idea of how long we waited for this ride. It was mainly because the ride broke down, there being a problem with one of the trains, that train then being taken off the ride and the ride reverting to a sinlge train operation, all adding to the amount of time we had to wait. We stuck it out though and it was worth it;
The Pepsi Max Big One - 8/10
Now I know that earlier I gave it a rating of 6/10, but the second time we rode it, it was much faster, for reasons I can't figure out. It didn't have anything to do with the fact that it was pitch black by this point making it feel like we were going faster, as the ride definitely was; this time the MCBR actually slowed the train down quite dramatically, whereas on the first ride, we had not been slowed at all. This time, at one point, I remember turning to Gazag and saying "What was that? Airtime?" [lol]. The added speed made it a much better ride, that is until we hit the block brakes, which like I said just, slowed us down dramatically and we went through the last part of the ride, just as slow as before, with that stupidly over banked helix and the painful piece of track that goes through the tunnel. We got off at around 8PM just as the park was begining to close, we tried to get on Bling for a second time, but were a few second too late. So we had a waz and grabbed some more food and a drink, before exiting the park.
It was really good laugh, all day (apart from queueing for The Big One at the end of the day) and I am really looking forward to Thorpe Park in 3 weeks time! Look out for a video of our day from Gazag, which is coming soon!
For now, here are some of the photos that were taken (prepare for a lot of pictures of The Big One [lol]:
One of the many shots looking down the street at The big One
The turn around and the shot tower
The turn around ... again
Quite an arty one I thought [:)]
A new ride for 2007??? [lol] As if.
mmmm, sexy old rusty track.
You can see the blokes in the station, who were putting brand new trains on.
The painful piece of The Big Ones track in the tunnel ... ouch
Really didn't look like Revolution would be opening that day heh heh.
"Beaver Creek", obligatory sigh inducing Beaver joke coming up...
I love drilling beavers [:D]
Look dark in this image but it wasn't, looks a nice silhouette though.
Heartlining? What is the meaning of this term?
Strange blurry night picture of The Big Ones lift hill, I wish I could have taken more pictures of it in the dark, with all it's lights, but unfortunately we were in the queue at the time and ths is pretty much all you can see from the queue.
Dunno about you, but that reads a little misleading to me [lol]
Finally, the onride of me and Gazag on The Big One, Gazag looking like he's having fun, and me being asleep, this being at one of the many slow points [lol]
If anyone would like any of the larger versions of any of these pictures, I have them all (and a few more, pointless ones) in 2593x1944 format. Just PM me if you would like one.